Part 42 - Yes

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Your mouth started watering as soon as you took the first bite. Your tongue burned as soon as it touched the sauce, and your eyes watered. It was a lot spicier than anything you had ever tasted, but you managed to stomach the first one quickly. The wings themselves tasted extremely good, but the spice was immense. Your mouth felt like it was on fire.

You started on the second wing, which somehow seemed spicier than the first. You blerghed (???) through your mouthful of chicken, and your eyes wandered towards the glass of milk in front of you. The last thing you wanted to do was lose, so you pushed the milk out of your mind and took another bite. Glancing up at Majora's plate, you seemed to be in the lead. With newfound determination, you attempted to eat all the wings as quickly as possible to minimize the time. Unfortunately even having the sauce sit on your tongue was too much to bear. Realizing you had been defeated, you snatched the glass of milk off the table and drank it as fast as possible. Much to your relief, it quelled the burning sensation on your lips and tongue.

"Darn. I just couldn't take it." You sighed, banging the empty glass on the table. Majora swallowed the remaining food he had in his mouth.

"Yes!" Majora swallowed! "I win."

"Yeah yeah. Hey, you wanna play some arcade games now?" You ask Majora.

"Yeah sure." Majora shrugs.

"What should we play?"

"Hmm... how about Space Invaders?" He proposes making you beam.

"I used to play space invaders with my dad all the time!" Just then maniacal laughter

erupts behind you.

"You can play Space Invaders, but you will never beat me." You turn around to see a

young, adolescent boy wearing a maroon and green sweatshirt with a peculiar hood decorated with tufts of maroon fabric.

"We weren't going to play with you anyway, kid." Majora sniffs. This seemed to anger

the boy, who now wore a scowl on his face.

"You're just afraid you will lose against me and disappoint your girlfriend over there."

The boy taunted, now smirking mischievously.

"What?! Alright kid, you're asking for it." You giggle at Majora finding it funny he's

getting so worked up over the kids' mocks.

"So you'll play with me?" The boy asks eagerly.

"Yeah, but I'm warning you, I play to win." Majora glares. The boy giggles maniacally again, the whole situation amusing to him.

"Excellent! Let's start then, shall we?" Majora nods. You three walk over to the Space Invaders machine, the top three players with the highest scores displayed on the screen. The player in first place named Skull Kid has a high score of 118,876 points, way above everybody else.

"What the heck?! Who is this Skull Kid guy?! Some real good players must come to this arcade, that's almost double my highest score!" Majora shouts. The boy next to you starts cackling like a mad man.

"I'm going for the world record." The boy said.

"Wait what?! You're Skull Kid?!"

"The one and only! Hee hee!" Majora groans and turns to you.

"Y/N I've played Space Invaders like three times in my life, we're gonna lose!"

"You're the one that agreed to play." You reminded him. "It's fine. Not like you bet anything, he's just a kid that wants to play for fun. Besides, he doesn't know how good I am." You smirk evilly.

"Oh yeah, how good are you?" Majora cocks his head grinning.

"My highest score is 117,365." You state proudly. Majora's jaw drops.

"What?! Y/N that's insane! And really close to his high score. We have a chance!" The boy started cackling again before saying,

"Shall we begin?"

"I'm ready when you are," You said. The boy nodded then reached into the pocket of his green hoodie and pulled out a coin.

"Heads or tails."

"Tails?" You questioned. The boy flipped the coin in the air and caught it in his palm before flipping it over.

"It's heads." He said, "I will be playing first then, hee hee!" The boy stepped up to the arcade machine, hit Skull Kid as his player name, and started his game. It was clear from the first round that he was no amateur, hitting each alien with precision and accuracy. His face seemed to completely change from the mischievous boy he was before. He was now very concentrated and had almost a mad look in his eyes. Before you knew it he was in the hundred thousands, still occupying all three of his lives. You saw Majora groaning in your peripheral vision, and you had to admit, you were getting nervous yourself. Then all of a sudden the boy lost one of his lives. Then the second. Then the third. You were shocked. He had lost all three of his lives in the span of thirty seconds, all in the same round, ending with a score of 113,278. What was even more shocking was the boy didn't seem to be fazed at all. He wasn't angry or sad, just stared blankly at the screen before turning to you.

"Oops." He said in an unsettling tone. You shrugged it off and took your place in front of the arcade game.

"Come on Y/N you can do it, your high score is better than the score that he just got." Majora patted your shoulder.

"Yeah, you're right. I've got this." You said trying to reassure yourself. You press the start button and begin. You got through three rounds before already losing one of your lives.

"I'm a little rusty." You chuckle nervously. The boy just stood there, watching you.

"It's ok, shrug it off." Majora said. You nodded and continued to play. Luckily you hadn't lost any more lives, and you were now at one hundred thousand points exactly. You only needed around thirteen thousand to beat the kid and you were determined to do so. Your persona shifted into one that was previously anxious and cautions to determined and fierce. The boy noticed. You continued to play, shooting down alien after alien and racking up points, now at 110,245. Only 3,000 points more to go and you would win. Unfortunately, you were down on your last life. You began to make reckless decisions, not being cautious at all, willing to sacrifice anything as long as you met your goal. Then you were hit, and your last life was spent. Immediately, your eyes darted to the score you ended on. 113,546. You had beaten the boy with only a gap of 200 points.

"Yes! You did it!" Majora shouted and gave you a high five, which you gladly accepted.

"I was determined to win so I tried my hardest!" You smiled widely.

"Good job." The boy says, "You beat me."

"Damn right she did." Majora smirked, "How about that you little turd?" The boy looked unamused and continued to speak, never breaking eye contact with you. It was unnerving.

"I look forward to playing with you again. Next time the game will be under very different circumstances."

"No matter what the circumstance is, Y/N will always kick your ass!" Majora said triumphantly.

"Only time will tell." The boy smiled eerily before laughing, "I'll be seeing you, hee hee!" Then the boy skipped away, humming an eerie turn. Majora shuddered.

"Blech. I hate kids." Majora stopped and subtly looked at you, "Unless you do." You raise an eyebrow.

"Playing the long game I see."

"Now that's a game I can win!"

"In your dreams." You scoff.

"Every night." Majora winks. You roll your eyes playfully. 

Continue to chapter 46

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