Part 39 - No

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"Wait, Twi. I'm not very good at pool, I barely even know how to play." You say concerned. He looks at you.

"Oh... uh that's fine. You weren't going to be my partner anyways..." He says cautiously. You can't blame him, but still can't help but feel a bit shocked that he didn't even consider it. Twi reads your expression.

"Hylia (y/n), I was joking. Get over here." He gestures to the table.

"That was uncalled for." You pout as you stand up and walk past him to the table, bringing your drinks with you. Shad, Link, and a girl you don't recognize follow. You set the mugs down on a closer table, and return to the pool table, where Twi stands next to you.

"(Y/N) is my partner." He points to you.

"Alright. Ashei will be mine!" He gestured to the black haired girl standing next to him." Twi grabs the triangle off the wall and uses it to collect the balls on the table. He puts it back and throws you a stick, which you manage to catch with grace.

"What'll it be boys?" Telma yelled from across the room, holding something shiny between her fingers.

"Horns." Shad spoke first.

"Then we're tails." Link replied.

"It was horns." Telma shrugged. Ashei smirked, and Shad nodded at her. She lifted her pool stick and rested it on the table between her fingers, squeezing one eye shut. She lined the stick up with the ball, and swiftly she pushed it forward causing the white ball to glide into the others with an array of satisfying clinks. You grit your teeth as your eyes follow a red one, which just barely stops an inch away from the pocket.

"Okay, (Y/N), watch closely." Twi steps up to the table and aims his pool stick at the center of the white ball. "My goal is to hit the white ball into another one and knock it into one of the six pockets on the sides." He angles his body toward the red ball you had noted a minute ago. "This seems like an easy shot, but I need to make sure that I don't hit so hard the white ball goes into the pocket too. Otherwise we'd lose our turn." You watch his hands closely. He's been wearing a watch, but you hadn't paid much mind to it until now. The metal is dark and sleek, with gold accents. It complements him nicely. You snap out of your trance when he pulls his poolstick back and forward again in one smooth motion. The white ball swiftly knocks the other striped one in.

"Nice one." You say.

"I know, I'm a bit of a pro." He says smugly. You smile and roll your eyes, knowing you have no right to disagree. "Hey that rhymed, are you impressed yet?"


"Guess that makes us solids." Shad steps up and takes his hit toward a purple ball in the corner. It rolls toward the pocket, but just barely misses, bouncing off the side. A short hissing sound escapes Shad's mouth.

"Guess you're up, (Y/N). I'll help you out."

"Alright." You lift your stick and put it between your fingers. Twi steps behind you and leans over your shoulder, pressing into your back.

"It's better if you hold it like this." He puts his hand on top of yours, and adjusts the placement of the pool stick in your hands. You feel your cheeks heat up as your heart pounds a little faster.

"That's better," He smiles. "Now which will you aim for?" You try to ignore the vibration of his voice next to you, and glance around at your options.

"I guess that purple one, right there." You shrug, feeling a bit flustered.

"That's a solid, we're stripes, remember?"

"Oh yeah. Well," you gulp, recollecting yourself. "What do you recommend, oh great pool pro?"

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