Part 45 - Bonus date with Dark

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When it was time for your date the next day, you and Dark walked out the limo. He opened the door for you, and took a seat next to you after you had gotten in. You were still a bit jarred by what had happened yesterday; you could tell something was still off with him. On the ride to the restaurant, he was a bit less talkative, just a bit, but you noticed him fiddling with the cuffs of his suit, and staring blankly outside, like he was deep in thought. You brushed it all aside and decided to not worry about it for now. You'd inquire about when you got the chance.

The limo drove into the city, and stopped once it reached a plaza. Dark got out first, and offered his hand to help you after. You looked up at the restaurant you had arrived at. It was called Blackout. The windows were heavily tinted, practically pitch black, so you couldn't see inside. You followed dark up the stairs and into the modern looking building. You entered a luxurious black and white room, where two employees were waiting. The room seemed odd in itself, the rest of the restaurant was behind an opening that was covered by a black curtain.

"Table for two." Dark held up two fingers. The waitress nodded.

"Savory, sweet, or spicy?" The waitress asked.

"I'll have Spicy." Dark answered, then turned his head to you.

"Oh- uh... Savory?" You replied, confused. She nodded again.

"Alight, follow me this way." She reached down and picked up weird looking goggles. Dark noticed the confusion on your face and smirked as the waitress secured the goggles over her eyes.

"Well how else will she be able to see?" He said cheekily, shrugging.

"What kind of a restaurant is this?" Dark only replied with a gesture to follow him. The waitress led you through the curtain, into a smaller room painted with black walls. She closed the curtain behind you both.

"Okay, now grab onto my shoulders. I'll lead you to your table," She said. Dark link grabbed hers, and you reached up slightly to put your hands on his, still confused. Suddenly, everything went pitch black. Blackout.

"What?!" You grab onto Dark. "Of course you'd pick a weirdo restaurant like this."

"It'll be fun." He replies with a laugh. You hear the sound of another curtain being opened, and Dark begins to move forward. You clench onto him tightly.

You enter the main room and hear talking and the clinking of plates and glasses, but still can't see anything. You know you're being led by the waitress, but every time you step forward you can't help but feel like you're going to crash into a wall.

"I really don't like this." You mutter.

"What, don't tell me you're scared of the dark?" He snickered.
"I just don't like having no sense of direction." You reply, half rolling your eyes.

"Don't worry, we're almost at the table." He says smugly.

"How would you know?" You question.

"Okay we're here." The waitress says.


"Told you." He said, making you roll your eyes. Although you couldn't see him, you were sure he had a smug look on his face.

"I'll direct you to your seat." The waitress nudges you to the side, and says you're good to sit down. You start to sit really slowly, and flinch a bit when you finally hit the chair.

"This is fun to watch." Dark says, chuckling. Your head snapped up towards the direction of Dark's voice, and saw only his eyes which were emitting a dull, eerie red glow.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2022 ⏰

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