Book 2: Chapter 8: Finally, Some Answers (I Don't Wike Them!)

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Woo, this is by far, I think, the longest I've written.

I'm gonna have to ask y'all to not post theories about this book because ahem, you'll probably be like 90% right about the plot and hehe... yep, so I've pretty much planned how both this and the last book turns out. If I have the energy for the last book because that's... hm, not gonna give out any spoilers so I'll leave it at that boy I'm fuckin tired goodnight


God help her soul.

Why did she ever offer to teach Sokka chi-blocking?

Martial arts, hell yes, because he picked it up instantly. Pairing skill with his swift reflexes, Sokka makes for a great sparring partner and an invaluable opponent in a battle.

However, chi-blocking comes with patience and understanding, and more patience. Even a five-minute meditation ends up with Sokka making cricket sounds or ending up with a nest of bees chasing him because he got up on impulse to stick his hand in a honeycomb.

Maybe he's got a condition like ADHD? He does get hyper fixated when he'd tending to the meat above a campfire, and everyone is forced to watch as he meticulously turns the handle to get the next part of the meat cooked.

Perhaps chi-blocking isn't going to be his strongest suit.

She gave him permission to leave half an hour ago, but Sokka decided to be stubborn and a general pain in the ass, so now he's sitting beside her as (Y/n) tries to meditate for herself, but apparently, Sokka doesn't do well without attention either.

"I'm so bored, I could go for some—"

(Y/n)'s head snaps to the side, her back so stiff even a straight metal rod would look bent in comparison. Glowering at the blue-eyed boy, she hisses, "the point is to clear your mind and concentrate on the inside."

Sokka groans, throwing himself next to her lap carelessly. She shifts to accommodate him as his head settles comfortably over her knee. He looks up at her, she knows it, but (Y/n) also knows to keep her eyes shut. "I don't have anything on the inside to concentrate on. In fact, I have so much nothing that even my stomach is growling. Can you hear it?" He makes a fake rumbling sound.

(Y/n) breathes deeply. Focuses on the beat of her heart steadily thumping, although it has sped up quite a bit now. She shifts her thoughts to as far back as she can go, and tries to push back farther, maybe try to delve into memories that aren't hers. Some that may need a little nudging out, but so far, she comes up empty.

"Pay attention to me!" Sokka whines, tugging at the sleeve of her—his tunic that she has on.

If she pays attention to him, she will never go back to this state. She knows it, and yet (Y/n) finds herself straying a little more from the small niche of peace she has created.

"They say not to look the devil in the eye."

And Sokka bursts, burying his face in his hands as he laughs fully and loudly that it shakes her.

"If you want to chi-block, you need to understand chi-paths. Get back into position." (Y/n) instructs.

"Ooo, you've become serious, Sifu (Y/n), how intimidating," Sokka teases, and (Y/n) can't help the twitch of her lips. He sees it and scents blood. "What are gonna do? Punish me?"

(Y/n) wants to laugh. Beyond her, she hears Toph say, "not so easy teaching now, is it, Sap?"

She holds her breath. Releases. She knows her meditation is long over, but now this turned into a game of who breaks first.

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