Book 2: Chapter 19: The Earth Kingdom Has Fallen (No Joke There)

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I am tired, I am lonely, I want someone to love but I am the most awkward person who cannot connect with anyone. But I will keep trying (conversations in my head, of course). I take hope in the fanfiction stories where the sunshine person approaches and adopts me for no reason at all. Hey, fellas, is it sus to have multiple crises a day?

God, I wish I could impart some sorta optimism towards y'all like I usually  try to do, maybe it's just not my day. I'll sleep it off and bounce back. 

Just take care of yourselves. Be nice to yourselves. Thank you for being so sweet to me, you're such good people and readers and I hope this chapter makes you happy and distracts y'all from the shit in this world.

Anyways, this is the last chapter, and then I'm on a month break.

Uhm... please don't kill me?


If a day could be manifested into a physical form, Toph would've bound it to the earth and beat the shit out of it.

Like sure, she beat up two great earthbenders three times her age and ended up discovering metalbending—both of which were awesome—but in the end, she realized that it hadn't been her mother searching for her, which sucks.

And hey, metalbending is one of the coolest things ever. She should probably build a statue to honour herself. And maybe write a tiny dedication to (Y/n), whose words to always fight and push through may have helped.

But that'll be written in small font on the plaque. The rest of it will feature: TOPH BEIFONG, FIRST METALBENDER, EARTH LORD.

She also has to go back to Ba Sing Se, because now she has nowhere else to go.

So, Toph shifts the earth under her feet to her will and lets it carry her over the hills and plains to Ba Sing Se, rapid and powerful.

A sudden brush of wind alongside her doesn't make her flinch. However...

"Need a ride?" Says someone beside her and Toph shrieks, loses her concentration on the earth and it falls apart. She tumbles to the ground, finally sensing the soft paws of Appa settle onto the earth.

They help her up and when Appa shoots back into the air towards Ba Sing Se, Toph senses tension.

"So how did it go with the Guru? Did you master the Avatar State?" She asks.

Aang groans, quiet and nervous and she can hear him lying without needing to touch the ground or hear his heartbeat.

Sokka says, "Aang, are you okay?"

"I'm great," he says, high and squeaky. "It went great with the Guru. I completely mastered the Avatar State. Heh heh...heh. Yeah."

Yeah, no, as (Y/n) would say, she calls bullshit on that.


Never, in her whole sixteen years of her life, has (Y/n) ever, ever been so wholly and fully annoyed by rock. She cannot comprehend how earthbenders even like rock.

It's lumpy and solid and stupid and she fucking hates it!

Adjusting those stupid rocks that are shaped into hands over her hands like bracelets for the umpteenth time, she has to balance that as well as the too-long swishing green and black robes of the Dai Li agent she had jumped in the alley way.

He saw it coming a mile away, but that wasn't enough for her fists of fury. She took his uniform, tipped the straw hat low over her face and tucked her hands into the sleeves before slipping into the palace.

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