Book 2: Chapter 7: Ugh, Feelings, But Also, Yay, Feelings

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FANART BY @Mortii-Boii whom I am soooo thankful for!!!

I cannot stress this enough: STOP THIRSTING AFTER ZUKO OH MY FUCKING GOD, GUYS! *smacks you with a newspaper like Edna Mode* Get your act together!

For some reason, I can't get behind Zuko. Like he's cute but that's where it stops. I tried reading fanfic at one point but I just ended up WRITING three whole books about Sokka. I think I have a type. That type involves Suki (she can kick my ass and I'd kiss hers, ngl) and wow that just makes writing this fanfic a whole lot confusing.

Maybe I'm not attracted to Zuko because I am a Zuko. I do feel a distinct lack of honor.

This chapter soothed me. I cannot write conflict without getting anxiety and I end up solving the problem in the next chapter. Then i flounder and panic because oh, shit, where's the drama now???

And lastly, I forgot to mention, there are curse words and kinda graphic depictions of violence and basically, just a warning hereon out. No babies allowed, so shoo shoo.


(Y/n) was always on edge, always expected for the other shoe to drop, and she knew she'd keep feeling this way until she finally knows her fate after the war ends.

But now...

Her body was having the time of its life relaxing, her mind was at peace and she knew this part of their trip would take a toll out on her physically, which meant she could sleep till noon. They had travelled to a rocky canyon where they settled for a few days to recuperate. It was nicely hidden and had a large, open slope that Toph had declared the perfect learning environment for Aang's earthbending lessons.

Aang was the first one up, leaping excitedly from his spot near Appa, his tunic fluttering as he floated in the air before settled down. "Today's the day! Can you believe it? After all that time searching for a teacher, I'm finally starting earthbending! And this place... It-it's perfect!" He bounded over to the others, looking down at Sokka, whose brows were scrunched. "Don't you think, Sokka?"

Sokka rolled over, glared, and groaned before flopping back.

Aang smiled sheepishly. "Oh, you're still sleeping, huh?" When Sokka rolled back over silently, Aang whispered, "sorry!"

The ground shook beneath them and Toph's rock tent exploded, revealing Toph standing and stretching. "Good morning, earthbending student."

(Y/n) grunted at the ruckus, stretching her legs in her sleeping bag before she yawned softly and rubbed at her eyes. "Why are you shouting?" She rasped. She heard a squeak nearby and her eyes fluttered open. Sokka was staring at her, since both of them were near and facing each other, and his cheeks were flushed. (Y/n) frowned. "What's with the dumb face?"

Sokka's mouth parted. Behind him, Katara roused from her sleeping bag and was chatting with the younger kids. He blinked and rolled once over until he bumped into (Y/n). "Hi."

(Y/n) ducked her head into her bag to avoid blushing. Why was he so close now? They had been at a healthy, safe distance, and now she was met with Sokka, hair let down in all its glory to brush against his neck, and that soft, sleepy look that made her weak. Damn him.

"Do you ever remove your hair from that ponytail?"

"Wouldn't you like to know, Mr. Wolf-tail."

Sokka sniffed delicately. Just like that, they dissolved into an uncomfortable silence that neither of them knew how to break, and it was strange because never once since she met him, had they ever been this awkward. Tense.

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