Book 2: Chapter 17: Five Roads

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Book 2: Chapter 17: Five Roads Diverged In A Yellow Wood

It's so annoying that Wattpad has such a short title allowance. Bullshit. Whatever.

Alright, this is fucking me up. WHAT THE FUCK IS UPPPPP?

Only two more chapters left for this booook and I'm so nervous. This has got to be one of my most thought out projects ever and I love it. You guys have been so supportive and amazing and I love you all. I've kept going because of you guys and your awesome comments and kudos and it means the world to me.

I hope you enjoy this short chapter and hehehe spoiler for a lil smoochy smoochy. My babies are so shy.

OH AND wattpad user sokkas_tiana made some super cute fanart!!! She even made the hair bun!!!

Okay, so I'm still confused as to how to make the links... link? But just copy paste it and it'll work, god wattpad fucks me over once more. If anyone knows how to make links work, please tell me!!!


Though this sounds like a terrible idea, it is a great distraction.

After Sokka managed to convince them to keep their positive streak going, Appa takes flight back towards the palace of Ba Sing Se, and fast. They have to cling to the fur of his back so that they don't get blown off, and although (Y/n)'s fingers ache in its fists, the wind whipping around them feels like the first breath of fresh air in a long while.

Or maybe it has to do with Sokka beside her, his hand curled around her fist. It was done silently, both avoiding eye-contact, and it will remain silent throughout their flight. Instead, she listens to Toph's woes.

"Can we please buy a new saddle? Riding bareback is terrifying!" She wails.

(Y/n) grins smugly. "The great Toph Beifong: can stare down an army but cowers at a bison."

"If I wasn't holding on for my dear life, I would have you buried."


Luckily, the ride isn't too long. It sits in a massive complex in the centre of the city, surrounded by the last circular wall. They get a little trampled and have rocks tossed at them rather rudely by Dai Li agents trying to protect the palace, but with an angry Appa, a determined Aang, and two fearsome other benders (plus a useless (Y/n) and Sokka each only cowering in each other to protect themselves from the rush of earth flying over their heads), it's a wonder that they make it past the moat of the stairs, knocking past benders close to them. (Y/n) did accidently grab onto a flying agent being tossed her way and somehow stole his boot.

(Y/n) ducks at another hail of earth, letting Aang blow past her with wind. She stares at the shoe. "Where'd this come from?"

Sokka yanks it from her. "Thanks!" He flings it hard enough to smack into the face of an agent advancing over a busy Katara and send him reeling. Then, he grabs (Y/n) and shoves her forward, shouting, "Kick!" And with the momentum, (Y/n) swings her foot up to catch the agent in the jaw and knock him out.

"Good job, guys!" Aang congratulates as he grapples with three agents at once and sends them sprawling into the pile of Dai Li he defeated.

Sokka grunts unhappily and allows (Y/n) to drag him into action, their friends on their heel as they board a block of stone that Toph and Aang bends to send them shooting up and at the foot of the entrance. When two agents advance, they literally don't get a chance as Aang tosses them over the ledge, apologizing loudly for the inconvenience.

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