Book 2: Chapter 16: The Reunion With the Blue Spirit (Zuko, You MotherFuc-)

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THANK YOU @WontBeBothered for the art!!! I love it sooo much and it's for the Book 1 chapter where (Y/n) is swinging across towers!!!!

Ah, I know this ten-day schedule is gonna fuck me over, I nearly forgot to post. I'll remember to put an alarm next time, i think.

Thank you for all your lovely ideas! I'm so excited to put them into the story.

I feel terrible because I'm supposed to work on Book 3 but I... I'm just writing horny shit for the final chapter of this entire book series and fuck, y'all are in for something, that's for sure. I'm so behind my writing schedule because of the horrrrrrnnyyyy.

And yeah, the previous chapter? That was the last of the fluff, enjoy the fucking pain that's coming soon!


Toph is having Momo lick her foot as she reclines happily on the floor near a bunch of strewn papers sporting childish looking drawings of Appa. Sokka is on his stomach, sketching on another paper while (Y/n) looks down from her perch on the beam.

Toph faces her general direction. "What's it like so high in the air?"

"It's barely ten feet, Toph," (Y/n) replies, swinging her legs to and fro.

"I thought you hated being so high up," Sokka murmurs. His tongue sticks out as he draws another dark stroke that's supposed to be Appa's...horn? Leg? Tail?

(Y/n) adjusts herself until she's upside down, swinging from her bent knees. Her hands hang down loosely and immediately her blood rushes down to her head. "I don't mind solid footing no matter how high up I am. I just don't like being bent into the air fifty feet high, is what you mean."

Sokka has the decency to look ashamed, sending her a flustered look. "How long are you gonna hold that over my head?"

"What, that actually happened?" Toph asks curiously. "Why is no one telling me these things?"

"It was a time when Sokka had zero trust in me and watched me like a hawk."

"I was being cautious!"

(Y/n) snickered. "We both know you enjoyed torturing me. Just a little."

Sokka scowls, wiping away a smudge on his parchment. "You're the one doing all the torture," he mumbles under his breath.

"What's that?"

"I said, oh no, the horror."

Toph cups her hands around her mouth and loudly blares, "He said—agh!" She flinches when a balled-up paper smacks her in the face and Sokka tells her to keep quiet.

The door swings open and Katara and Aang rush in, holding up a pack of parchments in their arms. "We found a printer to make our posters." Katara announces. She holds up a poster with an expert rendition of Appa, picture of Aang, and dense script, while Aang smiles and points to it.

"Hey, I thought designing the 'lost Appa poster' was my job. I've been working all day on my Appa." Sokka pouts and holds up a crude drawing with a proud smile.

Katara takes one look at (Y/n) and scowls, so the older girl meekly leaps down and stretches, humming. "You're not always going to boss me around."

Katara raises a brow. "We'll see about that."

Aang studies the drawing, perplexed. "Sokka, the arrow is on Appa's head."

"This IS his head."

Katara tilts her head and grabs the sheet. "Why are feet coming out of it?"

"Those are his horns!" Sokka snatches the sketch back indignantly. "I haven't seen him awhile, okay?!"

Toph says, "it looks just like him to me."

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