Book 2: Chapter 10: Mishaps and Waterfalls Doo-Wee Doo-Woo

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*Throws this at you and runs away*

Why do I always begin like this.


"A bit lower," Sokka says, "don't grip it too tight. Loose enough to flick your wrist just right."

(Y/n) follows the instruction as she loosens the grip of her fingers around the soft part, eyes flicking up to him in question. He nods and exhales.

"Now quick movement. Pull it back, yes, that's it, and then you—oh, Aang, duck!" Sokka shrieks as the boomerang leaves (Y/n)'s hand and flies towards the two benders near the rocks.

Aang perks up. "Duck?" He asks eagerly before he spots the boomerang and ducks to avoid it with a screech. He pops back up, and thankfully, Toph near him is unfazed and unharmed, arms crossed and also massively unimpressed. "You said this wasn't dangerous!"

(Y/n) winces, peeping from behind Sokka. "I'm sorry!"

Sokka laughs. "She always makes things dangerous, you—it's coming back, duck!"

Aang pulls Toph down and the girl growls as they hit the ground. The boomerang whizzes past them and into Sokka's waiting hand. He taps it on his palm before whirling on his heel.

And... (Y/n) has to take a second at how smooth that was. Sokka fixes her with an amused look. "So, can you tell me what went wrong this time?"

"I can tell you what went right: I didn't hit Katara in the head this time!" (Y/n) tries smiling as Katara comes from the thicket of trees, a slight stumble to her step and the huge red bruise that was on her forehead reduced to a lesser swell with a more yellowish shade. She looks up and glares at (Y/n).

"Give me that boomerang, it's going in time-out!" She yells as se stomps to them. Her foot hits a bump in the earth, and she tumbles forward with a yelp. Aang sprints to her and (Y/n) has to hide her loud laughter behind her hand.

Sokka shakes his head, a smile twisted on his lips. "I'm inclined to agree with her. You're sort of hopeless with this."

(Y/n) sighs. "Then just teach me how to aim with rocks or something. This boomerang-physics is too—"

"Complicated for your brain?" Sokka completes with a grin. He nudges her as she grunts. "It's okay. Throwing a boomerang is a select skill only for the most intelligent."

Katara is finally on her feet—and probably has a concussion she couldn't heal—and she takes an absurdly long amount of time just staring at her brother with narrowed eyes before she frowns. "It took him eight years to get it right."

"It took me eight days!" Sokka hisses.

"Boo, you liar! The toddler two igloos over did it better than you!"

Sokka gnashes his teeth and turns away from his sister. "I think you hit her harder on the head than we realized."

(Y/n) purses her lips. "Or maybe—"

"No, I'm sure she's lost it." Sokka leads her away from the others.

They went deeper into the forest where the wide, gushing stream wound into the thicket of trees, bending over in a curve so they couldn't tell what was after that.

He takes out his dagger and marks an X on a thick tree trunk. "Now, I think it's best we start with simple aiming. All you have to do is hit the X." Sokka plucks a palm-sized stone from the ground, nice and flat and presses it into her hand.

(Y/n) stands about five feet from the tree. "Sokka, even a baby could do that. I'm close enough to touch the tree!"

Taking a perch on a rock that overlooks the stream, Sokka rolls his eyes. "I'm not asking you to stay there forever. We'll work the distance the better you aim, starting with as close as possible. Now, throw."

Book 2: Earth (Sokka x Reader Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon