Book 2: Chapter 5: Oops, I Did It Again

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So, it turns out, Apparently the last finger is spelled pinkie and not pinky. Huh, you learn something new every day. I went ooohh when I found out. Makes me slightly uncomfortable.

Right. Onto the story then.

By the way, thank you for the concern, I keep forgetting to reply, but yeah my ao3 username is vrepit_nah, so don't worry, no plagiarizing here!


Sokka hummed. "It's pricey, but I really do like it." He was studying a green, leather bag perched on a display bench, a brass clip holding it closed.

The bustling market of the village nestled in the low hills was a happy reprieve from the swampy, forested areas they had been traveling in. (Y/n) felt at ease surrounded by the friendly people, but she was getting annoyed by the second. Sokka had been looking at that bag for a long time now.

Aang had already taken refuge on the floor, an unhappy expression on his face.

Katara looked at him in concern. "Then you should get it. You deserve something nice."

"I do, don't I?" He turned back and (Y/n) was relieved that he finally decided, but then Sokka was making an exaggerated gesture. "But no. It's too expensive, I shouldn't."

"Alright, then don't," Katara snapped and walked out. Aang quickly followed her, shooting a pitying look at (Y/n).

(Y/n) rested a hand on Sokka's shoulder. "If you're not getting it, I am."

"What?!" Sokka sprung up, eyes narrowed. "No, I'm getting it, back off."

(Y/n) just shook her head with a smile while Sokka went to pay for it. He was too easy. He came back with a grin on his lips, shooting her a smug look. "Happy?" She asked, folding her arms.

He slung it over his shoulder and made a pleased sound. "Yeah, this definitely looks better on me than it does you."

She huffed as they exited the store. "Please, we all know that's not true. Remember the time I wore your tunic and pants?"

Oh, Sokka remembered all right. After an altercation with a couple of Fire Nation soldiers, her clothes had been singed and her hair set on fire (temporarily). She stole Sokka's clothes and when he saw her, he blushed so hard he threw himself into a river. "Okay, so that was one time—stop biting your fingernails." He smacked her hand from her mouth, and she yelped.

"Don't tell me what to do," (Y/n) snarled, biting at her fingernail.

He breathed out a sigh, mumbling about cuticles as they went to find their friends. Their hands occasionally brushed and, and suddenly his brow furrowed and then he was snatching up her four-fingered hand. Air left (Y/n) so fast she was surprised she her lungs didn't shrink. With a racing heart, she watched as Sokka slowly wove their fingers together. "What—" she croaked. "What are you doing?"

"Hm?" He asked absently, but then his hand froze, and he was looking at her with wide eyes. "Oh! Oh, I was, uh, just wondering... how you'd, you know, hold someone's hand with four fingers?" Sokka lifted their joined hands to reveal his brown fingers between hers, his pinkie finger loose from the lack of her lost finger. He clears his throat. "But, uh, seems pretty cut and dry."

(Y/n) felt a laugh bubble up her throat, bitter and anxious. She snatched her hand away, ignoring the feeling of emptiness as she began biting at her other hand's nails again. "Next time just ask," she said drily.

Before Sokka could deign to respond, a local man dressed in green and grey garb strolled up to them, a wide grin on his face. He said, "hello, young travellers! I'm Minho! Would you care to check out my collection of Earth Kingdom's finest silks? Made from the silkworm-raccoon!"

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