Book 2: Chapter 11: Serpent's Pass? Nah, That Sounds Hissterical

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Thank you all for the super sweet comments.

When I posted last week, it took only twenty minutes for over a hundred comments to filter in and I just thought:

Sokka hoes.

But seriously, y'all are so lovely and supportive that it makes me happy.



"Waterbending bomb, yeah!" Katara hollers and performs a tumbling cannonball into the pool. She sends up a massive column of water that washes Aang ashore, shattering the ice block he was encased in. As water drenches them all, Toph, (Y/n), and Aang laugh with delight.

Sokka, on the shore, holds out a dripping map. "Sure, 5000-year-old maps from the spirit library, just splash some water on 'em."

Katara has the decency to look sheepish. "Sorry." She emerges from the pool as she says this, wringing water out of her hair. She then uses a waterbending technique to draw the water out of the map Sokka is holding up.

Everyone gathers around as Sokka spreads the map out on the ground. Aang asks, "so, did you figure out what route we're gonna take?"

Sokka points out the map features, and says, "okay. We got out of the desert and past the forest, so we must be around here, and we need to go to Ba Sing Se, which is here... more desert. It looks like the only passage connecting the South to the North is this sliver of land called the Serpent's Pass."

"You're sure that's the best way to go?" Toph asks brazenly.

"It's the only way, I mean it's not like we have Appa to fly us there."

Katara nudges him. "Shush up about Appa. Can't you at least try to be sensitive?"

Surprisingly, Aang looks calm. (Y/n) knows he's the exact opposite because that's the look of a person who is one feeling away from losing it.

"Katara, it's okay." Aang forces a smile. "I know I was upset about losing Appa before, but I just want to focus on getting to Ba Sing Se and telling the Earth King about the solar eclipse."

Katara's eyes widen. "Oh, well, okay. I'm glad you're doing better."

Sokka rolls up the map. "Then to Ba Sing Se we go, no more distractions."

(Y/n), again, knows it's not true. She hands him his bag, and he smiles gratefully, and then she goes off to dry herself from the refreshing swim. In the distance, she spots three people walking towards them and she hurriedly puts on her clothes.

"Hello there, fellow refugees!" The man waves, and beside him is a pregnant young woman and a teen girl.

Aang greets them. "So, are you guys headed to Ba Sing Se, too?"

"Sure are, we're trying to get there before my wife Ying has her baby." The man rubs her belly endearingly.

Katara pipes up, "great, we can travel through the Serpent's Pass together."

The travellers react with horror and (Y/n) isn't that far behind. They're in this part where they have to face another sea monster. She groans internally. If she has to swim one more time in a monster-filled lake, she is going to rebel.

"The Serpent's Pass?! Only the truly desperate take that deadly route."

"Deadly route," Toph echoes, and then whacks Sokka's arm painfully. "Great pick, Sokka."

"Well, we are desperate."

Than, the male traveller suggests, "you should come with us to Full Moon Bay. Ferries take refugees across the lake. It's the fastest way to Ba Sing Se."

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