Book 2: Chapter 9: Aang Cries, Katara Cries, I Cry...

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One of the smallest chapters and I spent the most fuckin time on it.

And of course I had to throw in a song. Because that's me. I can't wait for the next chapters because I can finally throw in jokes from Sokka. Those have been severely little and I hated it but do I know how to mix humor and angst? Nope, I don't.

Thank you for all the lovely comments and for reading!!!

Since the title is too long, I'm posting it again.


Book 2: Chapter 9: Aang Cries, Katara Cries, I Cry, Sokka Cries, Toph Cries Inside Her Heart, A.K.A. The Best Day of My Life

Aang had gotten so angry, something (Y/n) found was terrifying, because she wasn't sure if he would go into the Avatar state. Instead, he snapped out his glider and took off, leaving everyone else behind in the blazing hot desert.

(Y/n) discreetly wipes at her eyes. It was worse because she knows what Appa is going to go through and she can't tell anyone. Not to mention if she hadn't been so hell-bent on finding out about her situation, she could've thought clearly. Warned Toph. Just something to change this.

She rushed into this. She always does instead of just planning it out. And now Aang is gone and the others are puttering around uselessly like a chicken without a head.

But a part of her feels settled that things are going to plan. As horrible as it seems.

She still wants to curl up and die but hey, there isn't chance of that when Katara grabbed them together and forced them to move.

"You think if we dig out the giant owl, he'll give us a ride?" Sokka asks.

Katara leads them, Toph next, Sokka after, and (Y/n) last. She is glad for the position because no one bothers to looks behind.

They're sweating, red-faced and panting as they trudge through the desert. Sokka places Momo on his head as a hat, but Toph bumps into him and he scowls.

"Can't you watch where you're–"

"No," Toph snaps.

He clears his throat. "Right. Sorry."

Katara turns around to her dejected friends. "Come on, guys, we've got to stick together."

"If I sweat any more, I don't think sticking together will be a problem." Sokka mumbles, trying to pull himself and Toph apart.

The younger girl huffs. "Katara, can I have some water?"

"Okay, but we've got to try to conserve it." She bends water and suspends it between everyone, directing it into everyone's mouth. (Y/n) realizes Katara forgoes herself, and says, "I'm not super thirsty right now. Take some for yourself."

There are days where you feel like you can conquer the world. You wake up early and exercise. Feeling refreshed, you take a warm shower and eat a great breakfast and that feeling puts you in this simple, accomplished headspace. Because that's a great feeling, right? You go to sleep satisfied and with a promise to do the same the next morning, and the one after that.

Except when the sun rises, you don't. You wonder if even moving your leg an inch to the left under your blanket is worth the effort. So, you don't. You lay there in your misery and morning breath and just exist, knowing you can get up but wondering why you... can't.

At the beginning of this adventure, (Y/n) felt accomplished. She did her job, she made things work, she helped.

Now, she wonders why she tries. And she feels guilty she thinks that way, but she still can't muster up the strength to do anything except the barest minimum.

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