Book 2: Chapter 2: The Cave of Two Lovers, A.K.A., The Cave of Fuck Ups

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Ohhohoho, reading the title gives you expectations, doesn't it?


Life was good at that moment. Things were relaxed ever since they had left the Earth Kingdom outpost, and it was the best thing because (Y/n) didn't feel a single gut-wrenching tug. They had woken up to a beautiful morning with a tasty breakfast, and their spirits were high. She didn't have the ever-threatening gloom of flashbacks and it gave her time to recover from the one in the outpost. So, she decided to take a mini vacation.

(Y/n) knew they would soon have to travel through the Cave of Two Lovers, and she had been excited about it all day. It was one of her favourite parts — Aang and Katara's booming relationship, the dark-crystal-lit caves, the high hippies, the music! She looked forward to nomad music. That was the kind of vacation she deserved.

It was early in the afternoon when they settled near a river by a cliff. Aang and Katara were circling each other in front of a natural arch of stone that protruded from the cliff wall. Sokka was taking the time to relax, undressed to his shorts, laying lazily on a boat made out of a giant leaf. (Y/n) had taken to washing herself before she found a nice tree to perch on, gorging on the strange red fruit that grew on it. It was delicious and no one was stopping her. She was also eyeing Sokka, who looked delicious as well with his hair down. Why did he tie it up all the time?

"You guys are gonna be done soon, right?" Sokka drawled. "We've got a lot of ground to cover if we wanna make it to Omashu today."

Katara dropped her bending stance and slumped over at Sokka's statement, then turned to face him with an arched eyebrow. "What, like you're ready to go right now, naked guy?"

"I can be ready in two minutes. Seriously." He lifted his hair to look at them and let his arm drop lazily back into the water. (Y/n) hummed in satisfaction. Yes, he looked quite good indeed. "Whenever. Hey, (Y/n), pass me a fruit."

While Aang and Katara worked on something called the octopus form, (Y/n) plucked a fruit and tossed it to Sokka. Her aim wasn't perfect and it plopped right next to Sokka's outstretched arm, splashing water over his face.

"Hey!" He cried indignantly.

(Y/n) shrugged, a teasing smile on her lips. "Go fetch."

Sokka got out of the water and began to climb her tree. He wasn't very good at it, but he managed. "Oh, I'm gonna fetch. I'm gonna fetch you outta this tree."

"That doesn't make sense," she peeked over. Momo decided this was a fun game and quickly scaled the tree, perching on (Y/n)'s shoulder. She patted him and he crooned lovingly.

His arm finally clamped onto her branch's making it creak. She got up on light feet and stepped back, letting him grunt as he pulled himself up like a koala bear. Sokka finally caught sight of the ground and he hissed. "Spirits, this is high."

"Yes, it is," she agreed, toeing around the branch. When it shook, Sokka's breath caught. (Y/n) grinned. "Afraid?"

Book 2: Earth (Sokka x Reader Love Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz