Chapter Forty-Six

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Lily launched herself across the table and tackled Weston to the ground. She didn't care about the burning of her skin where she made contact with the chains. All she cared about was unleashing all her anger on him. She clawed at his face several times before punching him repeatedly. He didn't even try to block her. Why isn't he blocking?

Jackson wondered the same thing, but as he watched Lily unravel in front of him and how much force she was using to hit him with, he realized. His father wanted to make her so angry she would kill him. Immediately he went to her side and attempted to pull her away, but she didn't budge. He moved in front of her and stopped her from hitting him again. She looked up at him and he smiled at her, "hey, come here." He said as he gently pulled her on top of him. Jackson could see the tears in her eyes that she was holding back. "It's okay. I'm right here. It's just you and me. Remember?" And Charlie? Lily's voice rang in his head. "And Charlie. I promise. That's all that matters. Right?"

Lily nodded, I miss her. Where has she been?

She's been staying with Adrienne while you heal. Once again Lily nodded, we can pick her up and go out for pizza and ice cream when we're done here.

Lily smiled and nodded eagerly at that. She kissed him before get off of him and going back to her spot that she had been sitting at, as if nothing had happened. However, the thoughts in her mind were muddled, should we even offer him the choice anymore?

That is your decision to make. His major crimes are against you. You get to decide his punishment.

I hate that I just want him dead. What kind of person stops someone in the middle of their first shift?! To let them writhe in pain like that?? For fun?!?!

Lil, you need to calm down. Take deep breaths. Think about our date with Charlie. That's my girl.

A blush covered Lily's face and she looked down to her lap. Jackson pulled her chair as close to his as he possibly could, then entwined their fingers.

Lily looked up and decided, "we've come up with two suitable punishments of which you will get to choose which one you believe is most fitting for your crimes against me and this pack. The first is execution. The other you hand down your title to Jackson and then remain in these cells for the rest of your life."

Weston stared at Lily with a calculated glare for several minutes before his eyes glossed over. Lily noticed that Nora's eyes were the same way and realized they were talking or arguing about what decision to make.

"You have twenty-four hours to decide. We'll be back tomorrow." Jackson said as he stood up, causing Lily to stand up with him. He gently tugged her out of the cells and she followed beside him to the pack house. The two walked in silence lost in their own thoughts.

Lily could hardly wait to see Charlie again. She had missed her so much. Now that all the threats had been taken care of, mostly, she couldn't wait to spend most of her time with her and Jackson.

By the time they made it to Adrienne's door, Lily was practically bouncing in place. Jackson chuckled at her as he knocked, then opened the door. "Hello?"

"Be there in a second!" Adrienne's voice rang out from another room.

"Charlie?" Lily called to her.

"Momma!" She heard her yell and heard her tiny footsteps running towards her. She rounded the corner and ran towards Lily with open arms. Lily crouched down, picked her up, and wrapped her in a tight hug.

"I missed you, beautiful girl!"

"I missed you too. You all better now?" Charlotte asked her.

"Yes, all better now that I've got you." She said kissing her all over her face.

Charlie's giggles filled the room as Jackson watched on in adoration. Those two girls were his whole life. He never knew that two people could have such a huge impact on him, but he realized that anything either of them wanted he would get for them. Not matter what he had to go through to get it.

Adrienne joined them in the living room area then, "hey Lily. How are you doing?"

Lily smiled at her, "much better now. We were gonna go get pizza and ice cream, do you guys want to join us?"

"Yeah, that sounds like fun!" Adrienne told them. She mindlinked David asking him to get Holden ready while she caught up with Jackson and Lily. She sat down on the couch and waited for Jackson and Lily to follow suit.

Jackson and Lily updated Adrienne on what was going on and what had happened down in the cells. Lily hated the expression that was plastered on Adrienne's face at the new information. She knew how much it tore her friend apart that her father was behaving in such a way; that he wasn't the man she thought he was.

Soon enough David emerged with a baby Holden in his arms and the six of them made their way out for the night. It was one filled with laughter and happy tears. A night which all the bad and negative was left behind them. It was a night Lily never wanted to forget.

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