Chapter Eleven

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Lily was so exhausted. Of being there day in and day out. Of The Man. Being pushed around. Everything. She only wanted out already. She'd discovered that there was none though. She'd searched for months and there had been nothing.

A couple weeks had passed before she'd found out that she was pregnant again. In the moment all she really wanted to sleep like everyone else had been, but Charlotte was keeping her awake. Charlie wasn't to talk with her, so Lily stayed up. Eventually, Charlotte let out a tired yawn, finally!

"Wiwy?" The young girl asked.


"Awe we gon get out hewe?" She asked, so innocently. (Are we gonna get out here?)

"I promise we'll get away from here soon." Lily assured her even though she didn't believe a word of it.

"Wiwy? Wiw ooh be my mommy?" Charlotte asked, pouting out her lower lip. (Lily? Will you be my mommy?)

"Charlie..." Lily started, but she didn't know what to say, "I would love to, but-"

"Pwease, Wiwy! Ooh take cawe me aw da time! It's wike oohwe mommy aweady." Charlotte begged Lily. (Please, Lily! You take care of me all the time! It's like you're mommy already.)

She hesitated for a moment, but eventually agreed. Charlie didn't need any more disappointment in her life, or to lose anyone else who loved her. "I promise I'll find a way to be your mommy. Okay?"

"Otay," she said softly before falling asleep. Lily was convinced that they weren't making it out of there; until The Man killed her or they found a way to successfully make it out, Lily would make it her mission to be the best mom Charlie could ever imagine.

When Lily woke up the next morning, the girls wanted to go outside. Adrienne and Lily watched them as they played.

Adrienne was distracted, communicating with her mate. She knew that David was upset that things happened the way they had and that forced their plans to change, but when she had voiced her worries to him, he assured her that he would never in a million years even think of rejecting her. She hadn't believed him because no matter what he said, she could feel his wariness toward the situation.

Jackson had been trying to get Adrienne to convince Lily to get her to stay with them after they got them out of there, but Adrienne didn't know how to go about it. She knew that to Lily it would be a weird request. To her, Adrienne had no idea of what happened in Lily's personal life. Asking her would seem suspicious, but Jackson was insistent.

"Hey Lily?" Adrienne said out of the blue, Lily just looked at her without bothering to give her any kind of response, "when we get out of here, will you come and stay with my family? Please!"

Lily couldn't help to think that it was odd that Adrienne was asking her this. Why would she agree for her, a random girl, to willingly stay in someone's house that she didn't really know? Lily shook her head, "I have to go home." She looked down at her hands, right. Home. With Carter. To endure more of this torture. What would he think? What would he do when he found out?

"C'mon, please Lily! I don't know specifics, but I know your life at home isn't that great. I just—you don't have to tell me anything, but I don't want you to have to continue living a life like that. Especially now that you'll have a baby to take care of."

Once again, Lily shook her head. "My life at home is fine. Besides, what makes you so sure we're getting out of here?"

Adrienne's face lit up for a second, about to tell her that her family was close to finding them, but then she remembered that she couldn't; Lily was human. "I have hope that our families are looking for us and that they are close. How much longer can they need? It's been months!"

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