Chapter Thirty-Five

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Lily froze for a moment; she had to have sex with him to complete the bond? In Lily's experience, sex meant pain, physical or emotional. She wasn't sure she could do that. Would Jacks hate her because of it?

She looked over at him to see that he was studying her reaction. Lily took in his tall frame. His legs bounced back and forth as if he'd rather be talking about anything else. He sat resting his forearms on his thighs, which caused his muscles to tense. His shoulders were hunched as if he were worried. He wore a frown and his eyebrows furrowed, causing a few wrinkles on his forehead. His eyes, though they remained on her, were terrified; he tried to hide it, but she could see right through it.

Lily relaxed a bit while staring into his scared gaze. Jackson didn't want her freaking out over this. He didn't want to see her panicked expression or for things between them to change just because she'd learned this new information. To him it wasn't that much of a big deal. Yeah, he wanted to complete the bond with her, but if it meant losing her then there was no question about it. He wasn't going to make her do something she didn't want to just because of tradition.

She watched those scared eyes as she thought more about it. Marking was weird, but somehow it made sense and felt right. But mating was something that would take time for her to want. She forced the thoughts of the other men, and bad memories, out of her head as she considered it.

This was a part of their culture, of who they were. Jackson deserved a mate who was proud to have him, who would stand by his side and protect the pack. Someone who would love him for forever. Lily wasn't sure of the last sure of the last part yet, but the rest she was certain that she could do. So she took a deep, calming breath and said, "okay," before slowly getting up and heading towards the door.

Lily looked behind her to see if Jackson was following, but he hadn't moved from his spot on the couch. "You coming?" She asked him, and he immediately shot up and made his way to her, once again wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her into his side. She made her way to her room, laid Charlie down on the bed, and tucked her in.

Jackson watched his mate from the couch as she kissed Charlotte on the forehead then made her way to him. Damn, she's so beautiful. She sat down next to him and rested her head on his shoulder. Once again he wrapped an arm around her waist, he then kissed the top of her head before asking, "what are you thinking?"

"Everything happens fast around here. It's not a bad thing, just hard to get used to I guess." She thought for a moment, twiddling her thumbs, before continuing, "I-I-I am grateful that I have a mate, and I'm happy - really, really happy - that it's you, Jacks. Because no one else, not even before I knew about werewolves and mates, makes me feel this way. Maybe that's the bond or maybe it's me, I don't know." She sighed and looked up, into Jackson's eyes. They held so much emotion, it took her breath away. "I want you to know that I-I'm proud that I get to call you my mate, that I get to grow with you."

Jackson's eyes widened and he was so happy in that moment, he never wanted it to end. "Li-" he started, but Lily interrupted him.

"Let me finish, please. I need you to know. I need you to hear me say that I accept you as my mate. I want to stand by your side through everything, good and bad. I want to be someone you deserve and to give you everything that you want. But-"

"Lily, stop." This time Jackson interrupted her. "You are perfect the way that you are. You have been through so much, that you deserve to just be happy. I don't want or need any part of the mating process if you're not okay with it. If you're happy with how things are, then I'm happy. I love you for who you are; I don't need anything else but you." Lily's breath got caught in her throat when he said those words; he loves me! Excitement burst from her chest and she couldn't help the huge smile that took over her face. 

Jackson's heart practically beat out of his chest when he saw her smile. He could spend forever just looking at her like that, but the feeling was short-lived when his mate suddenly frowned, "I-I-"

"Don't force yourself to say something that isn't true yet, Lil. I know, and it's okay. Are you happy with me?" He asked her, and she nodded excessively, "okay. The rest we'll worry about later."

Lily furrowed her brows and considered how to phrase what she wanted to say next, "I want you to mark me. But not right now, not just because I said it. I want it to be something that happens in the moment, naturally. Because it's what feels right."

Jackson's eyes lit up with more happiness and excitement, he wanted nothing more than to feel her lips on his in that moment. "Can I kiss you?" It was important for him to ask this every time he wanted. He needed her to know that he respected her enough to ask permission because he didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable or to do something she didn't want to. He didn't know how many people just did things to her without asking, and he didn't want to be one of those people.

She nodded and it wasn't even a second later when Jackson's lips finally collided with hers again.



I'm working on the next chapter, but I'm having some creativity issues 😅 I've returned back to my apartment, in which I don't live alone but my roommates and I don't exactly get along. So, I'm pretty much stuck in my small room most of the day, which hasn't been the best for my mental health (but it's really hitting me today). I'm not complaining, just explaining.

Anyway, that was a longwinded way of saying I don't know when the next update will be, but I'll try to get it up some time soon.


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