Chapter Seven

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For Lily, getting sick there felt... backwards. In a situation other than her current one, if it was a pregnancy symptom it wouldn't be good. But since things were the way they were, it kept her alive longer and potentially would lead her to being hurt less, so it was better than just being sick.

She had realized that when The Man was under the impression that she was pregnant with his kid, he hadn't done much in terms of physically harming her. So, as she considered that this was already a terrible position for her to be in, potentially carrying her kidnapper's child, the only thing that could have really made it worse was what would happen to her after the fact, or if she ended up having a boy. That thought terrified her. There were no little boys running around with the girls; not one. Lily had the horrible feeling that she wouldn't make out of there alive if she had a boy. She only hoped that she could find a way out, for her and the girls, without getting any of them killed.

Lily hated admitting it, boing forced to be away from Jackson wasn't doing her much good either. She really missed him, and the distance she had put between the two of them before any of this happened didn't help her with feeling any better. She felt so much worse than she had before when she had walked away from him. She realized how weird, stalker-ish, and creepy that was, but she couldn't help it. She couldn't force the thoughts of him out of her head.

What she hadn't realized was that Jackson had been feeling the exact same way, actually more so since he had connected with his wolf and knew that the two of them were mates. His pain from being apart from his mate made every single day an intense struggle. For him getting out of bed, go to school, and meetings, and training, and doing homework was a massive accomplishment when his while body was just aching.

The two of then missed each other. They missed how things had been seeing each other in school every day with Jackson trying to talk to Lily. He missed staring into those gorgeous forest green eyes. Lily missed the way he looked at her and how he treated her; it made her feel as though he cared about her. And he did, which is why he was so pissed off that he couldn't just go out and find her. He wasn't allowed to bring her home.

Feeling this way only frustrated Lily though. A big part of her didn't want to think about him and didn't want that longing she felt for Jackson to affect her like it had. If she was being completely honest, she had bigger issues to deal with, but there was always this tiny part of her that was still amazed that he had tried so hard to get her to interact with him. Amazed and yet confused that he had continued to sit with her even though she had ignored him. She thought about it all the time and it drove her insane!

Lily had to stop what she was doing with the girls to rush to the bathroom before she puked her guts out. She had always hated getting sick. It wasn't often that she did, so when it happened it was the worst and disgusting, and she was miserable. When she returned to the girls room, she felt very upset. She refused to let the girls see that thought. If they knew she was unhappy, they would feel the same.

She had become a master at hiding her emotions, only showing how she truly felt a handful of times. It seemed that she couldn't really control it this time though. She trued her hardest to keep her face blank of any emotion, but pulled her legs to her chest, wrapped her arms around them, and rested her chin on her knees. What the fuck am I going to do? How am I going to get the hell out of here? Lily thought.

"Lily? What's wrong?" Amy asked her; she looked worried.

"Nothing. I'm just not feeling well, that's all." Lily explained to her.

"Oh. Should I tell dad?"

At that, Lily panicked, but tried to remain as calm as she could on the exterior, "no, no. That's okay, I'll tell him later."

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