4a: I Didn't Sign Up

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"Okay. Campfire!" I cheered as I set my lunch bag on our booth table.

"Please stop trying to make that a thing," Sam said sitting down next to me. I stuck my tounge out at her.

"But Tony Dinozzo says it!" I whined.

"Who?" Sam asked.

"You don't know who Tony Dinozzo is?" I asked. She needs to understand that my life revolves around NCIS. Well their re-runs do. Hello pointless weekends watching USA network.

"We go through this everytime. I stop listening to you after you start whining."


Alex and Calvin arrived a moment later. "Hey Sami and Danni," Alex said.

"Please stop trying to make that a thing," I told him mocking Sam. She hit me.

"But your names rhyme!" He protested.

"You know what else rhymes?" I asked.

"Don't finish that sentence, I'm eating." Calvin said with his mouth full.

"I can't believe you can eat that. It's not even real chicken." Sam had a sour expression on her face.

"I can't believe you're eating that pasta, it's not even real pasta!" He countered. Sam gave him a look.

"Go bring your home lunches!" Alex cheered and I gave him a high five, I had broughten mine as well.

"Can I sit with you guys?" Minnie asked.

"Sure!" I said before anyone else. Calvin and Alex slid and made room for her on the end. I decided to make conversation. I'm good at doing that.

"Minnie, do you miss not going to West?" West was the school Minnie was supposed to go to but wanted to go to Central instead for academics and show choir. Not that I can blame her. West isn't known for much.

"Kinda, but this place is about ten times better. And I'm not too good in the friend making department."

"You just made four." She smiled at my comment.


"Is Danielle being nice?" Calvin asked, shocked. I threw one of my carrots at him.

"Back to normal Danielle." He mumbled before taking another bite of his sandwich.

"I'm pretty cool, seventy-two percent of the time."

"I like your percentage." Minnie said. She's only eating a bagel. I could never survive on that. I'd need two bagels and maybe some chips and then some chocolate cake... Oh. Yes.

Alex turned to me, "How do you feel about Ross being gone, Danni?"

"I'm thrilled. I failed that test of his. I've only had him a week and I want to die."

Alex frowned, "But that test was so easy."

"Obviously not since Danni failed." Calvin said mockingly.

"Watch it," I threw another carrot.

"What was it on again?" Sam asked.

"Do you not listen-" she put her hand over my mouth.

Alex took his cue, "The eight fundamentals of biology." I licked her hand.

She wiped it on my arm. "You're welcome," I said with a smirk.


"Go back to class!" The security guard yelled. We knew our cue. We all got out of our booth and headed to the first floor. Alex was in band so he just went to the room next door.

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