10b: I'm Going To Shove

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I knew that I shouldn't be surprised when it comes to Danni, but with the things that come out of her mouth, you would think she's from downtown or something.

I think she's the bad example on me and not the other way around. I'm the saint in the relationship.

Like earlier when she was about to fight Calvin for taking the last chicken sandwich ready in the lunch line, "I'm going to castrate you with your mom's childhood scissors." Or when she threatened Bryce who took her chair  "I should smack you with your sister's bra."

After three years, I ignore it now. Maybe back then, I would be shocked at the comments.

But then again, I didn't really have close friends like I do now. I rolled my eyes yet again as Alex and Calvin for encouraging this facetious behavior. "You guys are bad influences." Granted I met all of them through Danni. I almost thought about going to the high school down the road from my house but then I open enrolled here because of the friends I had made.

Alex practically threw his hands up in the air, "I'm just sitting here eating my sandwich." Teddy pointed at him, "Don't throw us under the bus." Says the friend who did drugs in middle school, behind the gas station across the street, but we don't chat about the old days.

That's a story for another time, and it's usually Danni that likes to tell it, she remembers the weird stuff but we never bring up my old boyfriend from middle school, that's off limits and I'm glad Danni respects that. She doesn't respect much.

"I was referring to Calvin." I said interrupting them.

"Touche." Danni said after taking a bite of her apple.

"What are we even talking about?" Alex asked.

"I'm not sure."


"Well it did snow last weekend."

"Fuck November."


"Sorry." She said with her mouthful.

"Sike." Calvin joked.

"So anybody have any Thanksgiving plans?" Teddy asked.

"I'm going to Waldorf." Danni answered. The town next door.

"That doesn't count." Alex said throwing a grape at her.

"Does Oak Grass count?" Calvin asked referring to the town he lived in which was a small farm town to the west about five miles.

"No." We all answered.

"We're boring."

"We need new friends."

The lunch bell rang. "We also need to get to class."

"Thanks Captain Obvious."

I followed my dysfunctional friends to the trash can to dump our trays. I saw the mischievous look in Calvin and Danni's eyes as they began to sprint to the staircase that would take us down to the orchestra room.

"They're so childish." Teddy commented.

"I don't know how they aren't siblings." Alex said.

"I mean, his mom is planning their dream wedding." I said, remembering Danni's expression when Calvin's mom said that to her last year.

I was handed Messiah music before I was even five feet in the door.

"This can't be good." I looked up and Danni had a frown on her face.

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