15b: Danielle

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Danielle turned to me, "Why do you think that we're being forced to read?"

I gave her a look, "Danielle, we're in English class." She closed the textbook and sighed. I followed in suit and closed my text.

I wasn't a fan of Romeo and Juliet either.

"I'm still bad with the verb tenses though." I rolled my eyes but that didn't stop the smile forming on my face.

The bell rang and Danni followed me into the hallway as we headed down to the orchestra room. She rambled the whole way about she wished Teddy still played violin.

I mean, the second violins usually aren't firsts for a reason. Especially Sicily.

There was still the elephant in the room and I knew Teddy and Calvin were mad at me but so I am. I was beyond upset with myself. But there are no excuses and there is no reason to keep hating myself. "I hope they have pizza at lunch, I'm feeling fat."

"Aren't you always?" She smacked my arm.

"Ice cream doesn't count."

"Uh huh, okay." We rounded the corner to the stairs that would take us to the basement when Teddy fell into step with us.

"Hello James." Danni greeted. I slightly cringed at the use of his first name. He does not look like a James. I have an uncle James and he does not have a jew-fro like Teddy does.

"Hey Danni, Sam." He nodded at me. That's more than Calvin has done. He acts like I killed somebody.

When we walked into the orchestra room, Calvin said his hellos to Danni and Teddy.

"Calvin." Danni snapped. He looked me up and down before mumbling a hello. I responded with an eye roll.

"Sectionals today." Mr. Lee-Tanner said as he clapped his hands.

"Again?" Danni asked. She usually says what I'm thinking.

He nodded. "State contest is less than two months away."

"I guess I'll see you later." Danni said as she headed towards the locker room.

"Danielle." I called.

Her blonde hair flew around as she turned to face me. "You're a great section leader."

She laughed and gave me finger guns, "I learned from the best."

The smile that was on my face slowly disappeared as I sat down next to Calvin, Elijah, and Minnie. "Does anybody have any questions?" I asked.

Calvin stared at his feet and Elijah was putting rosin on his bow. Minnie gave me a sad smile. "Okay, let's start at section D."

Calvin was silent for the first ten minutes of our sectional. Which either meant two things, he was sulking or he was thinking of a good response to come at me with.

It wasn't until I mentioned how his high D was off when he snapped.

"Calvin, not again." Minnie pleaded. I watched her eye roll and it made me smile.

"I am so sick of you Samantha, Minnie, I sort of like you right now so shut up."

Minnie opened her mouth to speak but didn't. "Calvin you're not better than me."

"Bull. More people love me."

Then it hit me. I was going to go for it.

"So then why doesn't Danielle?"

Calvin turned red.

"Danielle and I are best friends and she loves me. So your theory is wrong." I snapped.

Calvin went to open his mouth but I followed his eyesight to see Danni standing with Teddy in the doorway of the locker room.

I couldn't read the look on her face. "Danielle." Calvin said.

She shook her head and walked back in to the locker room. "God dammit Samantha. I hate you." He exclaimed. He took two steps toward me but the smirk on my face did not fall.

He charged for me when I heard Danni yell and she pulled him away from me. Mr. Lee-Tanner came in from his office. I opened my eyes to see Danni hugging Calvin as he began to shake.

His arms slowly moved and went around her waist.

I made eye contact with Danni and she gave me a nod. "What is going on out here?" He asked.

"Disagreement." I said as Danni answered, "Personal differences."

"Minnie are you okay?" I asked.

She nodded at me. I bit my tongue as I watched Danni's grip tighten around Calvin's frame. I couldn't imagine what was going on in her mind.

I could see her whispering to him. Maybe when her and I are on better terms she'll tell me.

But she knew. Teddy told me so.

I picked up my violin and turned to Minnie and Elijah. "Let's start at section G." And I swear, the other people in the room's mouthes dropped.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Danni give me a nod. I knew we were fine.

But I had to lead my orchestra to a 1 at state contest. None of this would be worth it if we didn't.


"Danielle." My best friend turned around. I gave Cole a small wave as he walked away from her. "I'll see you in ten." She called after him.

"Trying to chase all my friends away?" She teased.

"Please you only need me."

She raised her eyebrows as we fell into step. "Anything new?"

I shook my head, "Just checking in on my best friend." I watched her bite her lip.

"My mom's been working late and my dad isn't home much. I rely on Cole as a ride."

I looked down. "I know, Cole is a good person."

"He's funny too."

"No doubt."

"What do you need?" She asked.

"I was just wondering if you had any plans tomorrow."

"Mario Kart?" She asked.

"I was thinking more pizza and movies."

"A lot on your mind?"

I shrugged. "Figured we could vent about orchestra together."

"I like it." She paused. Her blonde hair blew in the wind.

The smile fell off her face, "About earlier, it's okay."

Her response threw me off, "It actually wasn't."

She grabbed my arm. "It's okay Sam. You had to put him in his place." I saw Cole's truck pull up to the curb. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

I nodded, "See ya Danielle."

I watched her climb into his truck and walked to where I usually met Tom. He was leaning against the railing on his phone. "Sorry, I was late."

He looked up and smiled. "You still showed." He pulled me in for a hug and I felt myself smile.

"Any plans this weekend?"

"Not yet. Why?"

"Well Saturday is Valentine's Day."

"Oh is it? I didn't think about it."

"Well we have been together for a few weeks, I'd like to take you to dinner."

I felt myself blush but I nodded anyway. Danni was right, I deserved to be happy. And I needed my best friend, Danielle in my life too. Then things would fall into place.

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