5b: All Grown-Up

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"Why would they hang that in the cafeteria?"

"Don't they know people are trying to eat?"

Me, Danni, and Alex were all staring up at the homecoming poster displayed on the wall beside our lunch table. The dance was coming up in just under two weeks so the student council had started posting 'Under the Sea' posters on every empty wall. I couldn't turn around without being reminded of the fact I had no one to go with. Someone even went so far as to post one in the bathroom...

"What are you guys looking at?" Calvin asked as he walked over with a tray full of food. His lunch today consisted of fries, pizza, two cookies, a milk, and an apple juice. His mom must starve him or something at home; that kid eats like a horse.

"Homecoming poster," I explained.

"Hailey keeps trying to convince me to go so she doesn't have to go alone but I told her no way," Danni said. "I'll go to all of the dances senior year, but that's it. I don't want to wear a dress any more than necessary." I mentally rolled my eyes at the mention of her name, maybe I'm a bad person but I can't stand her.

"We don't want to see you in one either," Calvin mumbled through a mouthful of pizza. Before I knew what was happening Danni had snatched the carrots from my tray and thrown one at him.

"What about you guys?" I asked Calvin and Alex before things could get more violent. "Are you planning on going?"

"No way," Alex replied right away. I wasn't really surprised. He wasn't one for dances. Or romance. I think Gretchen ruined it all for him. Then again, red heads will do that.

"What about you Calvin?" I prompted when the other boy didn't answer.

"Me? Oh. I, um..."

"He's going with Courtney," Alex answered for him. "He asked her yesterday." Calvin shot him a glare, his cheeks turning bright red.

"Aw, little Calvin's all grown up," Danni teased reaching for Calvin's cheek, causing him to slap her hand away and to return the carrot she had thrown at him earlier.

"Who's Court..." I had even gotten the question out of my mouth before a shorty, chubby brunette girl came bounding over.

"There's my Cally," she gushed, wrapping her arms around Calvin from behind. "I missed you!"

"Uh, yeah, missed you too," Calvin forced out. "Um, everybody, this is Courtney." We all waved back awkwardly. "Courtney, these are my friends."

Danni looked at me and mouthed 'She have gone to a different middle school?'

I nodded, 'Or private school.'

"Our friends," she corrected, bringing Danni and my attention to her. "Any friend of my Cally is my friend too."

"I didn't sign up for that," Danni muttered, but Courtney didn't seem to notice. Danni never mentioned that Calvin was asking someone, they're practically brother and sister, that or they got into an argument about it, seeing as she's not a fan of Courtney, not that I'm a fan yet of her either.

"I really wish I could stay, but unfortunately I'm selling homecoming shirts right now and I can't be away from my post for too long."

"Oh, darn," I said, trying my best to sound disappointed. I can role play very well, how do you think I put up with Danni?

"I'll see you later my Cally Wally," she cooed.

"See you later my," Calvin paused and stole a glance at us before sighing and say, "Courtney Wourtney."

The silence in the air was thick as 'Courtney Wourtney' skipped away.

Danni, Alex, and I tried our hardest to keep a straight face as Calvin glared in silence. Finally he said, "Just so you know, if any of you ever call me 'Cally' I will kill you in your sleep."


"So what do you think of couple names for Calvin and Courtney?" Danni said later when we returned to class. "I was thinking Courtin. Or maybe Calney."

"What about Courvin?" I suggested.

"I like it," she replied, and then scribbled it into her notebook. "It'll go with Greddy."

"You know," she added as she closed her journal. "I think you should go to homecoming."

I looked at her funny. "What for? It's not like I have anyone to go with."

"Yeah, but it could still be fun," She explained. "And you could spy on people."

"You mean like Courvin."


"I don't know," I debated. "It sounds like a lot of work just to keep an eye on Calvin. Plus I'll feel like a loner all by myself. If you want to know what's going on why don't you just go yourself?"

"Because then I would have to wear a dress. It's easier this way. And besides, you like dresses and makeup and dances."

"We could work coat check," I suggested. "Mrs. Hanger has been sending out emails asking for volunteers."

"Yeah, but we won't be able to see all the action on the dance floor."

I crinkled my nose. "I don't think I want to see what kind of action goes on out there." I thought of the horror stories I'd heard about a dance move called 'grinding'. Not that I can dance anyway.

"How about this," Danni began. "I work coat check, and you go to the dance. That way I'll be there with you without having to wear a dress. You can go out and spy on people then come back and tell me what you find. It will be like we're secret agents."

I glared at her, and she smiled sweetly. Or as sweetly as Danni can.

"Fine," I said. "I'll go for part of it. But you have to come dress shopping with me."

"Deal. As long as I don't have to try anything on. Maybe Calvin will come with us too. I'm sure he's going to need to pick out a nice dress to wear if he wants to impress Courtney Wourtney."

I cracked a smile.

Calvin was never going to live that one down.

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