Book 2: Chapter One

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I glanced up at my English teacher. Little did she know that I had already read some of the books for discussion circles this semester. This would be good, I needed a break.

The bell rang and she waved me over as my rainbow backpack flew over my shoulder. My sneakers moved my feet as I smiled.

"I hope to see some good things from you this semester."

I smiled, "Me too."

"How many of these books have you read already?"


She gave me a look, "Okay three."

"I can never be mad at a student who loves to
read, see you tomorrow."

I gave a brief wave as I maneuvered myself into the hallway. My feet made their usual movement to the music stairs and I headed down into the lair which music kids did odd stuff.

Now that we were all sophomores, we all had orchestra second block with the juniors and seniors. I won't lie, it's slightly intimidating but should be a good learning experience.

Teddy and Calvin were talking with some of our mutual band friends when I approached.

I haven't talked to Teddy since we argued last week about his mom. I guess I need to apologize but his expression told me I was forgiven for now.

"Hey Dani!" Teddy ruffled my short blonde hair while Calvin gave me a smile and a nod. They were standing with Alex, Tom, Drew, and another boy that I didn't know.

I tried to avoid all dungeon and dragon nights with the boys. They got way to into it and I'm becoming more female in my old age.

"Dani, this is Justin."

I gave a brief wave to the boy who was as tall as Alex. "Have you guys see Sam?"

"Not yet." Calvin grumbled and I gave him a look. Only one sophomore was allowed to be a first violin and Calvin had declared war on Sam before I even woke up this morning.

He had texted me around 6 am because he has to drive about 30 minutes to get to school, which started at 8.


I looked over at Alex, "Are you coming tonight?"

"For what?"

"Game night."


"Why not, you're our token female." I gave them another look.

"Walking away now." I opened the door to the orchestra room and the boys followed in suit. Our teacher, Mr. Lee Thomas was directing people as they came in.

Sam was standing over by Cole and Minnie, who had her arms crossed. "Hey!" I greeted and made my way over.

My best friend greeted back, "Look at what you dragged in with you."

"Shut it Samantha, I'm not ready to deal with your pretentious self."

Sam smirked, "Look at little Cally learning big words over the summer."

I turned to Minnie, "How are you?"

"Pissed. I dropped Orchestra before the semester even started but I was told to come down here." She adjusted the glasses on her face and then re-crossed her arms.

"You're quitting?"

"Music doesn't get one into John Hopkins."

"But you're so good." I told her.

"Music is a profession with someone less intelligent than I." She marched over to Mr. BLT and I turned to Cole who also looked shocked.

"First insult today."

He laughed, "Good to see you too neighborhood pal."

I raised an eyebrow, "Oh please, anything but that."

The bell rang and we all turned to our teacher on the podium.

"Welcome back everyone, I have made temporary lists for each section. We will get seated and tuned. Lot to do this year."

Calvin appeared on my right, "please kill me now."

I grabbed his cheeks, "Go see if you or Sam got first."

Sam raised an eyebrow when she heard her name but her and Calvin made their way over to the list.

"I already know I'm last chair." Teddy said, referencing the viola section.

"How so?"

"Gut feeling."

"Hey." I lowered my voice, "Can we talk?"

Teddy opened his mouth to respond but stopped when we heard Calvin shriek and Sam gasp.

"What?" I turned and asked.

"It's you." They said in unison.


I walked over to the wall which now only had us sophomores looking at it. My mouth dropped. They weren't lying.

10. Danielle Porter

I'll be damned. At the bottom of the first violins. That's means I have to turn the music. I'm not often the bottom part.

I looked at the second violins on the list and Sam and Calvin were third and fourth chair respectively, sitting in front of five juniors with two seniors infront of them. Sicily and Ashton being chair eleven and twelve.

To make matters more interesting, Elijah was stand partners with Calvin. I had an interesting feeling that was not going to be good.

I pulled Peyton out of her case as tuning began. I sat next to Candace who seemed nice. She was one of two juniors in the first violin section.

She laughed at my poor attempt at a joke and didn't care how I positioned the music on the stand so that was a good sign.

I was not going to be eaten alive.

However, the orchestra was well-rounded. There were six violas. Six cellos and three bases, which seemed good with 22 violins.

But during the whole class I wondered why me? I mean I know I take private lessons but that can't be the only reason why I'm sitting here?

He probably wants Sam and Calvin to run the second violins, they just have to prove it from the testing.

Regardless, I'll play second violin for the holiday music start in October. Tradition won't stop because I was oddly placed in the wrong section.

"Are the playing tests hard for firsts?" I asked Candace.

She shrugged, "I usually don't show up to my lessons with him." My eyes opened.


"Yeah. I think I'm just random power for the firsts. Kinda what I did last year in the seconds but I'm better than those losers."

I smiled and looked over at Sam and Calvin bickering even though they were just handed sheet music. Nothing musical at all was happening.

She handed me my stack of music which had the bottom part highlighted. Effective, that's good cuz now I don't have to do it.

"Instruments up. Let's start with a three octave G-major scale."

Wait what!? I've only done that twice in my private lessons. I didn't get a chance to look at the music as I threw my shoulder rest on my violin.

Guess I already felt behind. Hopefully things would turn around as the semester passed.

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