11b: Who Runs The World

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The countdown had officially begun. We were three days away from the dreaded Messiah concert with the other three high school orchestras and choirs.

It was also the day that we got out final seating arrangement. All of the violins were playing the Second Violin part. All freshman did.

"Has he posted it yet?" Danni asked. I turned to see her walking toward me. Today we did our exams for him during class and he said he would post it after school.

I practiced so hard over break unlike Danni. But that's not a shocker.

"Is it up?" Teddy asked.

"You're irrelevant, you play the viola now."

"Hey now. It's more fun that the violin."

"Anything could be more fun that the violin." Danni answered him as BLT opened the door.

"Hello students." He stepped out and tapped a piece of paper on the door but then turned to face us, blocking the view. "You all did well."

He moved and our eyes stared at the list.


Samantha Jackson

Danielle Porter

Calvin Stats

Minnie Stocks

Elijah Grey

Ashton Whitney

Bryce Thomas

Sicily Adams


Cole Whitlatch

James Theodore


Charlotte Free

Tamicka Brown

"Who runs the world?" Danni asked.

I had a giant smile on my face. "GIRLS!" We went in for a high five as Calvin rounded the corner. Danni and I both had smirks on our faces.

"What?" He put his hand over his heart. "I can't believe this."

"Get used to it." He glared at me but his glare went away when Danni pulled him into a hug.

He's such a loverboy.

"You can try again in a few weeks." She cooed. She let him go and slapped his arm. "Let's go concertmaster." She said turning to me.

We laughed the whole way up the stairs. We had the first stand for the rest of this semester. And we hadn't gotten any music yet for March so I had a feeling I'd be in first chair for a while.


"Today we are not playing." Mr. Lee-Thomas said as he approached the podium.

"Tomorrow is the concert." I said, honestly shocked, I would have cheered on the inside if I wasn't first chair. I looked to my left to see Danni with a giant smile on her face.

"No shit." I heard Calvin say. I turned and gave him my best glare

"Hey, attention up here." Mr. Lee- Thomas tapped a pencil on his stand. "Today we are going to sit in a circle and talk."

"Why?" Bryce asked.

"Because I feel like we're not connected as a group. Circle up." He clapped his hands and we all moved our chairs to form a circle in the middle of the room. Somehow Calvin moved so that he was sitting between Danni and Teddy.

I had a feeling he was up to something and it made me curious. I wonder if Danni knew? Actually I wonder if Teddy knew? Teddy caught me staring and mouthed 'what'. I shook my head, 'later' I mouthed back. He nodded and turned back to Cole, who was talking to him.

"Okay, this is going to be an open discussion. So no interrupting." I guess it's a good thing that Sicily, Tamika, and Ashton aren't here, but then again, Danni interrupts a lot. It's not one of her good qualities.

"Best Composer?" Mr. Lee-Thomas asked.

"Hands down Beethoven." Danni said first.

"You only say that because you're a pianist, what's your favorite orchestral composer?" I asked.

She raised an eyebrow at me, "Probably still Beethoven."

"Symphony Number Nine is my jam." Teddy said, lifting his hands up in the air.

"Teddy do you even know what you're talking about?" Danni asked.

"I know a few things."

"I really like Mozart." Cole said after the moment of silence.

"I agree." I added. "But don't get me started on that movie." We all laughed. I glanced around the room. Minnie was braiding her hair, Elijah was looking at the ground, Charlotte was staring at the clock. I wondered why none of them have spoken yet.

Especially Minnie, she's really good friends with Calvin and Danni. I knew that once I did Scholastic Bowl with her, she would be my academic competition. Don't get me wrong, Danni is smart but I need someone who can keep me on my feet.

Minnie had all A's in her middle school that's on the west end of town before she open enrolled here. I know she also loves participating in theater. That's another reason that I'm glad I'm first chair, it justifies that I am in fact the best player.

The only person who probably practices more than me is Elijah and I don't know what he's doing half the time.

"Sam." Danni nudged.


"What's your favorite color?"

"Probably Navy Blue."

"I'd say mine is orange." When Calvin spoke, she turned to me. "You good?" She whispered.

"Yeah, just thinking about my math test." I lied.

"You'll do great, you always do." She smiled and gave my hand that was on my leg a fist bump before she turned her attention back to Cole who said his favorite color was green.

When the bell rang I moved to pick up my things and saw Teddy's worn out sneakers approaching, "What's up?" He asked.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked, looking around to see both Danni and Calvin gone.


"Do you think there's something off about Calvin?" I asked as we headed into the hallway.

"What do you mean by off?"

"Okay, I think he likes Danni."

"Of course he does, they've been friends since elementary school."

"Teddy, I mean he likes her."

His eyes opened, "You think so?"

"I've been noticing that he stares at her a lot. And now that he sits behind me, he can watch Danni all class period if he wants too."

"I'll ask him."

"No, don't."


"Because I know he does." We stopped at the top of the sixth floor stairs.

"It's been confirmed?"

"Yeah, I asked him about it." Man I need to get in shape, these stairs kill me every time.

"I never would have thought."

I shrugged, "Do you think he'll ever act on his feelings?"

Teddy gave me a look, "Nope." And that was probably for the best. I felt like I was loosing my best friend. I didn't know how or why but I had a feeling. I ducked right into the bathroom when I saw Hailey walking toward me. Granted her head was in her phone and I sighed as I walked into my math class and took a seat.

I wish I did run the world because then I wouldn't have to think too much about things.

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