15: Dark Figure

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[ sorry no photo ]

Also, if you guys have already figured out who "hyung" is, then you'll find this chapter very direct and uninteresting because you'll know what the ideal theme of this chapter is. I'm sorry for the same.

But please do read it, this chapter is an important filler.


It's weird. Very weird.

Taehyung is unable to process anything else but the confusing thing he saw a few days ago.

What adds onto his thoughts, is that Jungkook has become surprisingly cheerful these days, unlike the past five to six months he has spent with Taehyung and Jimin.

Jungkook has started goofing around with Jimin and Taehyung, be that as it may, he has also started to show up his jovial side to Taehyung and Jimin.

Furthermore, Jungkook has started helping Taehyung and Jimin with their house chores. In addition to Jungkook's (earlier) dark and introvert personality, Jungkook's been revealing his confidence and hidden talents.

Taehyung finds this weird, very weird.

He has been brooding over this very exact thing for the past few days now and the annoying fact of Taehyung not being able to crack code to it, pokes fun of him.

"What could it  be?" He mumbles to himself, a dominant frown on his face. (Focus on the ‘it’)

Taehyung's sitting in his room, eyes drenched in deep thoughts on what he saw a few days ago.

That dark figure that stood by the main door, it was worrisome.

Jimin was too busy admiring the butterflies and fireflies, which led him to be unobservant of the dark figure in the same room as him. But Taehyung was keen enough to notice it, and before he could walk ahead to find out who it was, the illusionary (or maybe not) fireflies and butterflies had already started fading.

Jimin's sulk had (unintentionally) grabbed Taehyung's heed, which was why he couldn't catch a better look of who's figure it was.

But the slight glimpse of the dark figure was enough to pique Taehyung's curiosity about it.

Why had he never seen the figure before? Why did the figure only pop up now? More importantly, who's figure was it?

"Wow." Taehyung mutters to himself. "It's five in the morning and I'm thinking about something illusionary." He speaks again.

Taehyung pauses and his eyes widen. His eyelids then flicker before he lousily flops back on his head, his arm resting on his head.

"I am talking to myself now." He blinks a few times, pointing out how crazy he is going.

Taehyung has always been a confident and intriguing male, a male who has been overthrowing all obstacles of his life. He has solved every problem that has — till date — occured in his life and has cracked every case which needed his intelligence to work with it.

But this time, he is unable to find a story to all the mysterious things that are happening. All he knows, is that whatever the mystery or thrill is, it has been happening ever since Jungkook arrived at their place.

He is getting chagrined (here meaning distressed) upon the thought of him not being able to find any sort of clues or hints.

Every time he tries to confront Jimin about it and every time he tries to voice out his thoughts about something weird going on with Jungkook, Jimin shrugs it off by saying that ‘Taehyung should chill and relax’.

The past five to six months that Taehyung has spent with Jungkook, have been marking dominance of something abject and dastardly. Taehyung knows something atrocious is happening with Jungkook, and he wants to find out what, but life is not leaving behind any hints while it still goes on.

Taehyung has seen something a few nights ago and that very thing is not going out of his mind.

A dark figure has been perpetually popping up in front of his eyes and Taehyung just wants to ascertain what it is.

No matter how long it takes, no matter how much effort Taehyung will have to put in into it, Taehyung is decisive enough to not rest until he cracks code to what and who's figure it was.

Heaving a sigh, he gets up from the couch and goes into Jimin's room. If Jimin is sleeping, Taehyung will have to wake him up because Taehyung is  unable to keep his worry to himself. He needs to tell Jimin.

He peeks into Jimin's room first, making sure of what Jimin is doing. He secretly hopes that Jimin is awake so that he can have a long, solemn talk with Taehyung.

To Taehyung's surprise, Jimin is awake.

He's sitting on his bed, legs laid out straight and eyes sunk into his phone.

"Bro." Taehyung softly says, drawing Jimin's heed.

Jimin looks up, an instant smile forming on his face. His eyes vanish into his face and the forever angelic feel comes into action.

"Hey bro. What's popping?" Jimin smiles sweetly, brushing his fingers though his hair. "Come and sit." Jimin offers.

Taehyung plods over to Jimin, face dropped and eyes drowned in intricacy.

"Why are you awake?" Asks Taehyung, sitting beside Jimin and Jimin restyles himself on the bed, giving Taehyung space to sit.

"I was ‘unable to can’." Jimin titters, reminding Taehyung of the time when they were about to confront Jungkook but failed.

Taehyung simpers at Jimin's statement, his head tilting downwards as he does so. He looks up at Jimin, eyes sparkling with an axiomatic fraternal affection for his friend. "I taught you a new term, it seems." He says to Jimin.

"You sure did." Jimin smiles back.

"Why are you awake though?" Jimin asks, crossing his legs one over the other.

"I needed to talk to you." Taehyung says, making the aura surge into a solemn one.

Jimin nods softly, gesturing Taehyung to speak up.

Taehyung heaves a sigh, well aware that this conversation has high chances of turning into an ugly fight.

He speaks nonetheless, "I saw something a few days ago."

"Saw what?" Jimin asks.

"A figure. A dark figure." Taehyung replies. "I saw it the day the strange fireflies and butterflies appeared. I saw the figure standing by our doorstep." He adds on.

Jimin's forehead creases and his anticipating expression turns into an uncertain one. "A figure, you say?"

"Yes. A dark figure." Taehyung nods.

"Is there anything else you're concerned about?" Jimin asks.

"There is one thing. It's about Jungkook." Taehyung answers. "He's become surprisingly joyous. Not that it's bad but, just alarming." Taehyung says. "He wasn't very open earlier either. Have you noticed how he's changed after the night of those mysterious fireflies and butterflies?" Taehyung explains.

"You're right." Jimin says. "He has changed. And I was wondering why."

"I think..." Taehyung starts, "There is some weird connection Jungkook has with all the strange things that have been happening."

"Now that's vacuous." Jimin speaks, "Perhaps, maybe Jungkook was just having some trust issues."

"Maybe, maybe not." Taehyung says. "We will just have to find out."

How was it? I'm eager to know.

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