21: Where Jungkook Came From

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Just wanna say, this chapter will be more of written stuff from Jungkook's diary.
This chapter will tell you about where he came from and what place actually the "pale, white building is". (If you remember the prologue and the first chapter).


The rectangular, brown object is placed on the bed, immobile.

On either sides of the bed sit Taehyung and Jimin– legs crossed over each other, elbows resting on their knees and fingers interwined.

Their eyes are staring right at the diary, digging holes into it. Jimin unknowingly gulps, finally blinking after what seems and feels like ages. Taehyung sighs heavily, a solemn look on his godly face.

"Shall we continue going through it?" Asks Jimin, gulping.

"You are the one who stopped, shouldn't you be answering that question?" Taehyung taunts, looking at Jimin with a ‘the-hell-is-wrong-with-you’ face.

"You have no sense of respect, do you?" Jimin says, wrinkling his nose at Taehyung.

"Let's not start an argument here. Just continue with what you were doing." Taehyung suggests.

Jimin nods, sighing as he opens the diary again.

His eager yet unsure fingers flip through the pages of the diary, both Taehyung's and Jimin's eyes fixed on the brown, rectangular object.

"9th September, 20XX," Jimin reads out.

"That's almost two years ago." Taehyung speaks, brows furrowing a little. "Read ahead." He says.

"Hey, it's me Jungkook— or what hyung calls me, Kook." Jimin starts.

"I need to tell you something that I have been keeping to myself for a long time now. I mean, it is just a little — sorry, a lot — strange that hyung has been acting different lately." Jimin takes a pause.

Taehyung and Jimin share glances, both heaving uncertain sighs simultaneously.

Jimin reads ahead, "You know how hyung and I always share stuff right? Well, recently it has been a lot different. Hyung has become just so distant! He does not smile at me anymore, he does not look me in the eye and do not even get me started on the way he behaves."

"I do not know why, but I feel like he has started to do those things he used to do. Like the ones I wrote about earlier?" Jimin takes a hault again.

"Just in case you have forgotten Jungkook, I'm taking about self-harm."

A long pause greets both the males. Jimin is gulping and Taehyung is going over the same sentence again.

Jimin continues to read, "It is quite obvious that hyung went through something in his past, but it is nothing that I know of. He has never told me, in spite of the fact that I have asked him about it a million times!"

"But there is something else that is more out of the common, a lot more queer. Hyung started drinking, and you know how against he is of it."

"I have never been more concerned about him and my heart is going crazy just by thinking about it. But, I will stop here so that I can keep you updated with equal information everyday." Jimin finishes.

"There is got to be more, right?" Asks Taehyung as his curiosity piques another level.

Jimin flips through a few more pages, stopping at a particular page which catches his eyes. "You got to know about this one."

"27th October, 20XX," Jimin reads out.

"That is the day Jungkook moved into our apartment." Taehyung trails off after saying those words.

"Dear diary, I know this is too early to say this but I have to." Jimin starts reading.

"I have spent odious and dolorous months in this place, but as you know, it haunts me. And so I have decided to leave the psychiatry."  Jimin stops after reading put the last word.

"A psychiatry?" Taehyung asks deeply.

"That is what it reads." Jimin answers.

"Read ahead," says Taehyung, nearly commanding.

"I have booked myself a ride and also found myself a house to stay in. I am trying my best to run away from here. I hope I am able to live my life without problems with my roommates."

"Where is that psychiatry that he is from located?" Asks Taehyung.

Jimin flips a few more pages as he stops at the very last page. He reads out aloud, "District-11, outskirts of Seoul."

"He has also written the phone number here." Jimin says, looking at Taehyung.

Taehyung pulls out his phone from his pocket as he asks Jimin to dictate him the number. He saves the number on his cell and just as they keep the diary back at its place, the doorbell rings.


So it's now revealed that Jungkook came from a psychiatry. I was nervous about this chapter, I don't know if it turned out well.

If you liked it, make sure to vote and give support of you think I deserve it.

I have a few questions for you all. Please do answer because it is very motivating to read your comments!

What do you think is the reason Jungkook lived in a psychiatry?

Why do you think he ran away?

What are your theories?


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