8: Incident Replay

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So this chapter is a flashback. (Oop- just gave a spoiler)
This will basically say what was the "incident" Jungkook faced. (Obvious, duh!)


|| 8 MONTHS AGO ||

An innocuous little boy, who does not have any idea about the upcoming ramifications.

Jungkook's body drops down, slowly. His posture is straight, erect and stiff. His eyelids flicker and the rate of his HEARTBEAT (sorry, it's a habit) is faster than ever.

As confusion hits him, his lips part slightly. His brown, walnut colored eyes, find it difficult to move away from the yellowish liquid that lays on the ground.

The noxious liquid, mocks his nose, troubling him with it's scent. The tip of his finger is wet and sticky, coated with a thick, yellowish liquid.

The bangs of his hair hang loosely, while he inspects the liquid.

A series of horrifying instances flash in front of his eyes like random pop-up ads. The liquid, gets him into a state of trepidation.

Petrol, lies on the floor, poking fun of Jungkook in a patent mockery. The scenes that flash in front of his eyes, make his blood run cold, in spite of the fact that this is an abstruse situation. He is scared and daunted, a thousand waves of apprehension flowing in his body.

He slowly gets up, his body rising above the ground inchmeal. His legs have impaired and his soles are numb, his heart and mind, both frail. His body as a whole, is right now incapacitated.

He gulps, trying to fight against his negative premonitions. His sixth sense tells him that he is going to descry a menacing and torturing incident.

With fear abundant inside him, he tremulously grips the circular handle of the door and contorts it, afraid of the sight on the other side of the black door.

The first thing that his eyes catch note of is the trail of the thick, yellowish liquid on the floor.  

His eyes follow the trail, the current happening running over his head. The line of petrol is spilt in a crooked manner and ends at a dark colored chair that is placed right at the center of the room.

Jungkook can only catch a glimpse of the figure's head, as the person sits on the chair.

It is an obscure and intricate situation, but Jungkook doesn't hesitate to figure out who it is, nonetheless.

"Hyung!" He shouts, concern and worry present in voice in large amounts. "Move away!" He runs up to the figure.

Towards the window, stays the bed—which is now set on fire.

Jungkook grabs his hyung's arm but stiffens in shock when he rejects. "Move away, Jeon Jungkook." Says his hyung, his voice dark and scary.

Jungkook's capacity of processing a situation drops down to zero when his hyung behaves so unbelievably. Jungkook stands next to the black chair, his brows furrowed a little.

"Hyung, what is wrong with you? Get up." He pulls the other male, harder than before, succeeding in getting his hyung farther from the blazing fire.

His hyung's arm slips from beneath Jungkook's and Jungkook turns around again, this time, an irksome expression on his face.

"Hyung what is wrong with you?" He yells at the other male.

Hyung, just returns him a subtle smirk, lifting up his arm and pointing at the black door. He rotates his finger thrice, instructing Jungkook to leave the hot, blazing room that inchmeal fills up with fumes of fire.

"Leave, or die." Says his hyung, a nonchalant expression on his face.

"You're coming with me." Says Jungkook, trying to grab the other's hand for the last time.

When hyung, rejects it again, Jungkook chooses to use force.

He grabs his hyung by his waist and wraps his arms around the other's waist, trying to pull him, but to his surprise, his hyung's firmness, is more than his.

Hyung retorts, not at all willing to leave the flaming room. "Leave, you brat!" Shouts his hyung, pushing him against the wall.

Jungkook's back hits the wall, pain excruciating in his body. His eyes get filled by tears within seconds and the injured him is forced to witness the worst sight.

His hyung, gives him one last smile, and walks straight into the fumes.

Well, how was it?
I know it was short and direct, not very interesting either, but I tried.
Also, I guess you've already figured out who "hyung" is, if not then, I'm happy because what comes ahead, is (hopefully) interesting.

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