30: The Talk

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It is disturbing.

This stay-alone thing is making his blood run cold.

He pulls his legs closer to his torso, shoving his face into his knees. His hands slowly crawl up to his head, gripping his hair tightly. A tension-filled sigh escapes his mouth.

He needs a break.

He needs his roommates.

Jungkook is having trouble fighting this on his own. It has been a year since he is residing with Jimin and Taehyung and he has — deliberately — been hiding his problems from his roommates.

Jungkook wants to tell them about himself. He wants to tell them about his problems. He wants to tell them about his anti-sleep pills. He wants to share his secrets, he wants to push his boundries. He wants to start a new life. He needs to start a new life along with his roommates.

Where are they? He asks himself. He wants them. He needs them.

A single tears glides down his cheek, leaving it's trail as it slides. Another year follows and slides down his cheek. He sniffles, eyes shut and fingers gripping his hair.

Lord, help me. He internally pleads.


Taehyung and Jimin get off the subway train. Jimin nudges Taehyung — who deeply contemplates whether they should tell Jungkook the truth, or keep him living in a lie.

"Are you alright?" Jimin asks, "You look a little pale."

Taehyung sighs sharply before averting his gaze at Jimin, "Is it worth it?"

"We will have to find out," Jimin answers, "And I can assure you that it will be fine."

"What if he leaves?" Taehyung questioningly looks at Jimin, "What if he flees away, yet again?"

"He will not. I'm sure of it. He needs us to help him. He needs support." Jimin smiles, soothing Taehyung's doubt. 

Taehyung nods, sighing once again as they head out of the subway station.


They ring the doorbell, waiting for Jungkook to open the door.

After what seems like ages, the door opens with a sharp creak. From behind, a timid head peeks out, hanging low.

Jimin frowns at how Jungkook does not look up at them. From the slight distance between the edge of thr door and the edge of the wall, he peeks into the home, just to see the lights turned off and everything dark.

"What happened here?" Asks Taehyung, eyes burning into Jungkook's soul.

"Nothing," Jungkook gives a patent fake smile, "I was sleeping." He says.

Taehyung furrows his brows. The corner of his lips twisting in doubt. Why is he lying? He thinks to himself.

"Come in," Jungkook says, making way for Jimin and Taehyung to enter.

"Don't stress on it so much," Jimin whispers to Taehyung, "We will talk things out with him." He assures.

Jimin tosses his bag at the corner of the couch he flops on it. A wave of stinging pain makes it way up Jimin's spine as he releases a slight hiss of ache. Taehyung rubs his eyes due to the tiredness.

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