28: Hyung [PT-2]

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"Can you — if you don't mind — tell us the name of the man?" Jimin asks.

"Sure," Hoseok gives a tight-lipped smile.


Hoseok gets up from the carpet and walks over to his shelf of candies, chocolates, toffees and sweets.

"Would you like marshmallows?" Hoseok asks, "These ones taste really good." He picks a jar with pink and white marshmallows in it.

"Is he going to tell us anything more or just advertise his candies?" Taehyung mutters to Jimin.

"For the millionth time Taehyung," Jimin huffs, "Co-operate with him."

Jimin turns to Hoseok and tosses him a sweet smile, "We will have anything you give us."

"Then have these marshmallows," Hoseok brings the jar of pink and white marshmallows, "They taste brilliant!"

Jimin picks a marshmallow and puts it in his mouth, chewing it slowly as he relishes the taste. Hoseok puts one in his mouth too.

Taehyung fake-coughs, grabbing their attention as he says, "So, about the name of that man," Taehyung looks at Hoseok.

"Ah, yes," Hoseok speaks, "Yoongi, Min Yoongi."

[A/n:- Honestly, you all knew this though.]

Taehyung's eyebrows knit themselves and Jimin furrows too.

"Why does that name sound familiar?" Jimin mumbles, loud enough for both Taehyung and Hoseok to hear.

"I am not surprised," Hoseok says, "Yoongi did make his name well."

"Before we get into details about Yoongi," Taehyung says, "Can you tell us exactly what happened the day Yoongi burnt himself?"

Hoseok nods, "It is somewhat a long story."

"We have got time," Jimin insists.

"It all started the day Polly set foot into the psychiatry," starts Hoseok, "When she first arrived, we expected her to be nice, humble and sweet. Who knew that she would turn out to be petrifying, abject and irksome?" Hoseok scrunches his nose at the last part.

He further says, "Polly — like you know — was an arrant sadist and a masochist. Just two days after she arrived, she had killed a member of the psychiatry. Only god knows how she was so damn good at causing suicides."

"Suicides?" Taehyung looks at Hoseok questioningly, "I thought she killed people."

"Oh, she did," Hoseok confirms, "But by persuading people. She would say menacing and odious things to her targets and before we knew it, they had already either hung themselves or consumed poison."

"She did the same to Yoongi, as far as I know," Hoseok speaks, "Yoongi would get convinced of anything very easily. For example, if I told him that you both have called him a ‘dork’, then there were chances he would bash you both for doing so."

"So, Polly, persuaded Yoongi into killing himself?" Asks Jimin.

"Yep," Hoseok pops the ‘p’, "That pretty much sums it up."

Hoseok lets out a chortle, "But I must admit, Polly was one in a million."

"What?" Taehyung frowns, astonished by Hoseok's words.

"Polly was a list of things," Hoseok says, "A sadist, a masochist, a sociopath, a psychopath and what not. It's as if you can find all possible mental disorders in one person."

"How exactly did she convince Yoongi to burn his room down?" Jimin asks.

"Like I said, it was never a difficult task to convince Yoongi into something, Polly just used that as an advantage," says Hoseok, "Polly liked playing with people's minds so, she did the same with Yoongi."

"You mean, she could used hypnotism?" Asks Taehyung.

"Hmm," hums Hoseok with a thoughtful expression, "We can say that."

"Polly would often tell Yoongi about what a bad influence he was in Jungkook. She would cunningly refer to instances and play all sorts of nasty tricks just to break Yoongi and Jungkook's friendship." Hoseok tells.

"Why?" Jimin asks.

"Polly was of the opinion that just because she was anti-social others should not mix up with each-other either," Hoseok shrugs, "This reason was barmy though."

"Jungkook was going to give Yoongi a present the day Yoongi burnt down his room." Says Hoseok, "But alas, that kid was given the most traumatic shock of all time."

Jimin's lips almost tremble as he finds himself in a weepy state. Taehyung looks at his friend, rubbing Jimin's shoulder to pacify him.

"Jungkook begged and pleaded Yoongi to get out of the burning room; the flames of fire were disturbing and I would be lying if I said that the psychiatry was not in panic the moment the fire escaped Yoongi's room."

"So, Yoongi..." Jimin trails off, concern flashing in his eyes.

"Yes, Yoongi decided to stay in the room itself," Hoseok confirms, "He managed to push Jungkook out of his room though, but he was obdurate of leaving his room."

Jimin shoves his hands into the pockets of his sweatshirt. Taehyung puts on his hood. The atmosphere goes chilling-cold again. The window of the room — which had been kept open — permits entry of the cold and eerie breeze that blankets the compounds of the psychiatry.

Taehyung feels his lips getting chapped and holy lord, he has never felt this uncomfortable at any place.

The psychiatry has a completely different aura. No matter how good the main garden looks or no matter how casual and nice the people of this place are, the psychiatry holds a creepy atmosphere.

Taehyung does not know if it is the ‘in-the-outskirts’ location of the psychiatry or the ghosts of the dead who roam around that makes this place so eerie. But he, for sure, is well aware that this place has been through and witnessed some of the most affrighting incidents of all time.

"It is immensely sad to know that Jungkook has lost Yoongi," Jimin says after a long pause, "From what we know, he really loved him."

"That is true," Hoseok nods with a bright smile, "Jungkook really loved Yoongi, and the love was mutual. They were both like Romeo and Juliet," Hoseok chuckles, "Put two and two together, and you would get the legendary duo of Jungkook and Yoongi, a perfect pair." Hoseok lets out a bright, hearty laugh after saying so.

"Yoongi has our deep condolences," Taehyung says in low voice, "Thank you for taking the time to tell us about him. May he rest in peace."

"Firstly, it was my pleasure telling you about Yoongi," Hoseok says, "And secondly, what do you mean by ‘may he rest in peace’?" He asks.

"He is dead, is not he?" Taehyung looks at Hoseok, "I mean, you said he burnt his room down."

"I said that he burnt his room down," Hoseok speaks, "I never said he burnt himself too."

"So, you mean he is alive?" Jimin asks.

"Yes," Hoseok says, "Yoongi is alive."



I mean, it wasn't that amazing, since you already guessed that hyung was Yoongi. I'm so mad at myself for not keeping the suspense better. 😠

But, I bet you thought Yoongi was dead 🤭 and he is NOT! On the bright side, this gives possibilities for Jungkook to be able to meet Yoongi! (Oops- spoiler given)

Also, WISHING YOU ALL A VERY VERY HAPPY AND MERRY CHRISTMAS ⛄🎄🎅✨🦌  (although it was two to three days ago)

Have a nice day everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!


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