26: Jungkook's Truth

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Jimin sighs heavily, the eerie aura hitting him in the face. Till one point of time, Jimin felt a little comfortable in the queerly cold psychiatry, but now, it has started to disturb him.

He is not liking the ambience of this place. He also extremely heedless of his surroundings. It is completely out of his notice that his best friend, till now, has broken three pencils and is is in deep sleep as he releases soft snores. 

Seokjin has been gone for ages now. When Jimin was told that it will take just a minute, he expected and hoped for it to be just a minute. But no, it has nearly been half-an-hour and Seokjin has not returned yet.

With fingers fighting wars with each other, Jimin heaves a sigh. He is uncertain now, very very uncertain. Whether sooner or later, he will have to face his young, twenty-year-old roommate. Jimin will have to tell Jungkook that he lied to him and came all the way to the place from which Jungkook wanted to run away, and he had succeeded in doing so.

Should he do this?

Or should he not?

These two questions keep circling inside his head, bugging him as he thinks hard. And to add to the apprehension, Jimin's conscience chimes in, saying: 'You have betrayed Jungkook.'

Huffing again, Jimin shuts his eyes close as he softly shakes his head to get rid of his conscience. Regret has started to slowly fill into him for coming here.

But in addition to his conscience, a part of him is aware that this is worth it.

The door opens with a sharp creak.

Taehyung squirms a little in his place, a streak of drool dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"Sorry I kept you waiting," says Seokjin standing by the door, "If you wish for answers to your questions, then follow me."

Here it goes. Jimin thinks.

As he gets up, he realises that Taehyung's still asleep. Thus, Jimin gives his pal a little nudge.

"Mayday!" Shouts Taehyung, springing up on his place.

"Calm down," Jimin assures, "And let's get going."

Shoving his hands into the pockets of his sweatshirt, Jimin heads over to the smiling Seokjin.


Seokjin stops in front of a black door, knocking it twice.

Comes no response.

Twisting the doorknob, Seokjin opens the door.

Seokjin has lead Jimin and Taehyung to a creepy room. The walls are faded grey with off-white scratches here and there. At the corners are ochre-yellow patches, maybe of a leaking drain.

On the untidy-looking, grey walls are tons and tons of drawings of various objects with wings. Some are birds, some are animals, and some are things which only the maker can name.

Towards the left corner of the room is a bed, the bed-sheets crinkled and the pillow with a dent at the centre. Diagonal to the bed, in the middle of the the room is a wooden desk, and sits is front of it a person, designing a tattoo on the inner side of his arm and on the other side of the desk, two more wooden chairs rest.

"Joon," Seokjin softly says, "You have two visitors."

The man — whom Jimin and Taehyung assume to be 'Joon' — doesn't say a thing. He rather sits silently on his chair, focusing on the tattoo he is drawing on his arm.

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