22: The Nightmare

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Everything has been awkward ever since Taehyung and Jimin found out that Jungkook has come from a psychiatry.

Yes, repeat the damn word: psychiatry.

What confuses Jimin and Taehyung more, is that there are no signs of mental illness, instability, disability or even issues in Jungkook, but why has he been living in a psychiatry?

In context of this agenda, another question keeps popping up in Taehyung's mind: for how long has Jungkook been living in the psychiatry?

A million questions in mind, an unsteady heartbeat, and a deep, dark and solemn aura— it is perfect for a cosy movie night for Taehyung and Jimin.

It depends on person to person whether they find it weird or lovely that Taehyung and Jimin have ‘cosy’ movie nights. But there is an assurance, and that is, hugging your best friend while watching a movie is not something a person should be judged on.

"Yo, Chim," Taehyung calls out for Jimin as he leans back on the brown couch, "You up for a movie?"

"Heck yeah!" Jimin answers from the kitchen, "I need it, I really do."

Jimin enters the living room with two metal cans of cola in his hand— one for Taehyung and one for himself of course.

"Thanks," Taehyung gives a lazy smile, accepting the can from Jimin.

"Please tell me you're not watching Titanic again." Jimin nearly pleads to Taehyung, his brows slightly furrowed.

"Nah, I got bored watching it over and over again," says Taehyung, "This time we're watching a movie via which we won't fall asleep or cry."

"And that movie is?" Jimin cocks an eyebrow.

Taehyung tosses a sly and perverted smirk, and Jimin sits there confused of his expression.

"What?" Jimin asks in a blunt tone.

"Guess." Taehyung cocks eyebrows twice.

And therefore, it takes Jimin a couple of seconds to understand, comprehend and register what Taehyung means. As soon as Jimin understands what Taehyung means, his eyes widen and he gently slaps his is own forehead.

"Let me guess," Jimin starts, "Fifty Shades Of Gray?"

"You so know me." Taehyung flashes a proud smile.

"And you don't know me." Jimin contorts his face is repugnance. "You know I don't like sexual stuff."

"Well if I put on Titanic, you will end up crying your heart out and you will result in sleeping on my shoulder," Taehyung says, "And I don't want that. Your head is heavy."

Jimin rolls his eyes, raising both his hands up, giving up on his (non-existent) chances of winning against Taehyung.

Taehyung raises a fist, muttering a ‘yes’ as he puts on the movie– Fifty Shades Of Gray.


‘ Who's asleep amidst the dream ’

A thin line of sweat very slowly rolls down his forehead, tickling the skin of his cheeks in a mocking manner.

‘ Standing in the frosting breeze ’

He rolls to his side, now lying with his arm beneath his head. His fingers mingle with his brown, ebony hair and he unconsciously gulps as he abides to sleep.

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