Chapter 7 ~ The Night We Met

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Hey guys! This might be the most awaited chapter I waited for and I'm really excited to publish this! And I hope you enjoyed it the song of the chapter would The Night We Met. I highly recommend listening to the song while reading this chapter for better experience. Enjoy!


Sakusa's POV

It's been a year and everything was happy and our relationship is still going strong.

It's a stormy day right now and I could see the gray skies and the its very cloudy

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It's a stormy day right now and I could see the gray skies and the its very cloudy. Not so long after it started raining heavily. When I meant heavily like super heavy.

Due to the rain Atsumu and I had to stay at our houses. We both promised that we would have face time since we knew we're gonna miss each other. I'm really bored in the house.

I decided to make coffee. Coffee is good for relaxing and keeping yourself warm at storms like this. I kept scrolling at my phone since it was so boring. But suddenly I got a signal that my phone was drained. So I have to charge it.

Well what will I do now

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Well what will I do now...

I looked at the window

It was raining so heavily but soon after I heard a song

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It was raining so heavily but soon after I heard a song. It was me and Atsumu's favorite song The night we met. I was confused at first where does that sound coming from.

It was coming from the neighborhood the house in front of my house to be exact. I never actually interact with the neighborhood since I don't like being around with people that much so I didn't really know who they are.

Upon looking at the window out of curiosity on why they are playing the song while in the midst of a storm.

I saw two people who were slow dancing while the song is being played. I saw the person's arm was on the shoulders while the other was holding on at the person's waist.

I imagined how cute the couple they are. I was assuming they were some old couple. I imagined that of me and Atsumu. Imagining how romantic that would be.

I looked closely so I could see their faces. I saw it, It was two men. Wait

The other person has a white hair and at the tip of the is black. And the other one was blond. This can't be right?

I might just imagining things that cant be Atusumu right? But what if it's him... 'And then I heard the part of the song clearly and loudly,

When the night was full of terrors,

And your eyes were filled with tears,

When you had not touched me yet,

Oh, take me back to the night we met,

That verse, that part of the song struck me the most.

This cant be for real right? He wouldn't do that. I planned on calling him in my phone to see if he's going to
pick it up and I looked in front of the house at the window to see what would be the reaction.

 I planned on calling him in my phone to see if he's going topick it up and I looked in front of the house at the window to see what would be the reaction

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Take me back to the night we met. The night where I am the only one he loved and cared. The night where he was there with me when it was raining at the rainy stormy park.

And I saw it and knew it that it wasn't a dream. I saw what he did. The person I'm watching right now is Miya Atsumu who silenced his phone so that cant be interupted dancing with Kita his ex.

To be continued...


I purposely made it short so you could actually crave for more. I hoped you enjoy this chapter I want many people actually read this chapter since this is the most favorite one I've made yet.
Anyways see you on the next chapter

I might post again after the day tomorrow since I want to take it slow since I might plan on ending the story already there might be a few chapters left to go! So enjoy it as much as you can. Bye

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