Chapter 6 ~ Misunderstanding

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Hey guys its nice to see you again I was busy shipping Touya x Yukito on Sakura Card carp captor I ship them hard!!!! I recommend shipping them too!! Anyways I hope enjoyed this chapter as much as I did. Song for the chapter is She will always hate me by James Blunt and it was recommended to me from @rc032686
anyways Enjoy!


*Atsumu's POV*

My eyes grew in shock as seeing my angel opening the front door. Seeing our wrong position. I could see his reaction suddenly changed to cold and teary eyes. It was filled with tears and pain.

I couldn't speak I was too shock. I can see Kita smirking. Sh*t what have I done. Finally I got to speak I said "Sakusa wai-". He cut me saying "I regretted everything I've done".  Those 5 words were the one that hurt me as ever aside from that he told it to me with a sincere, serious and cold expresionless face.

He quickly ran away from this miserable place. It was raining hard and Sakusa is getting poured by the rain. Sh*t I messed up so badly I-i need to fix everything. I punched Kita before I left running to Sakusa. I love Sakusa more than anything in the world if it takes to lose everything just for him I would do it. I love him more than any blue skies.

I walked all around finding for him I don't care if I didn't brought or have any umbrella all I care about is Sakusa. There was the last place I haven't went to.

The park thats where it all started where he was getting soaked wet by the rain. He must be there again. This time I brang an umbrella before going. I arrived at the park he must be in the centre. I want to explain to him everything. Pls give me another chance.

As I arrived at the centre there he was the most beautiful angel I've ever seen his skin was glooming. He was in the same exact spot we met. Crying and spacing out on the rain. He didn't care if his gonna catch a cold.

I walked near him holding my umbrella and went beside him. So that could the umbrella could cover him too. We were sitting but once he regained focus he saw me with those cold and hurt face. He put some distance away from me. And he said to me "Dont go near me. I'm already done". "Can I pls explai-" He cut me off. "No can you go away now" he replied. "Before I leave can I pls explain" I said. I could see his tears started tearing up. That hurt me and made me tear up too I don't want to see my angel getting hurt.

"It was all a misunderstanding I arrived home seeing Kita. I was about to drag him out of the house when I tripped over him. I don't have any feelings for him anymore Sakusa. I love you more than anyone". "I-is th-that really what happened?" He said stuttering. I replied "Yes I don't want you misunderstood anything pls trust me". I could see his body started shaking he fainted. He catched the cold. I decided to bring him at my home. I carried him in a bridal style I don't care what people may say. All I care is Sakusa.

As we arrived at the empty house. Kita finally left. Osamu is probably at Suna's. I brang Sakusa to my bed laying him in there. I changed his clothes with my Jacket and boxers. I could see his face glowing it's still beautiful and pure after all that pain and hurt I've done to him. I feel bad for him I'm such a useless boyfriend.

I want to cuddle him hug him more. I layed beside him hugging him and smooching my face at his curly hair. I'm so sorry Sakusa.

*Sakusa's POV*

I woke up at a unfamiliar place it was Atsumu's room but how did I got here. I regain consciousness and remembered everything. I remembered Atsumu telling mr what really happened. I felt bad for him. He went all by himself getting poured by the rain just to find me. He went through all of that just to find me.

I noticed Atsumu is hugging me tightly. I felt so safe and secured. I finally calmed down. He noticed me that I woke up. "I'm so sorry my angel omi-kun I'm sorry if I hurt you please don't leave me" He said. "Sorry if I didn't listened to you before I go off I was scared that you might find someone". "Omi-kun all I care about is you and only you. All of me is inlove to you" He replied. That made my heart skip a beat.

"I love so so much Atusumu" I told him. He replied "I love you too Omi-kun". We both slept cuddling and Atsumu hugging me so tightly not wanting me to go and run away from him. I wouldn't run any where anymore.

Everything was finally back to normal and happy atleast thats what I thought...


(This chapter and chapter 5 is actually also based on what I red on Tumblr it's about KuroKen also and I want to credit the main idea of this story to the rightful author of the one I red on Tumblr so credits to you author chan!)

Yeeeeeet the next chapter is gotta be the most awaited one I want to write!!!! I prepared that chapter for so long!!!!! I can't wait I might post it later again or tomorrow but stay tune!!!

Because the next chapter is actually my own POV that I made on a comment on a slowed music and I decided to use it and make it a chapter!!!

That might make me sad and hurt at the same time but I want this story to have some angst so yes I'm going to add it!


SakuAtsu | HappierUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum