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"Hello loves hope you day goes perfectly fine today and I hope it's great!!!"

Faythe's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning. No school for me today! I got into the shower and washed and shaved my body and washed my hair. I turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around me. I pulled my hair up into a bun and I pulled on my Black Lace underwear set and pulled on my grey off the shoulder long sleeve shirt and Black leggings. I slid on my Grey UGGS. I added my Black heart earrings and my double horn necklace. I did my makeup with eyeliner and mascara I got my nails done they were like claws and went from clear to black tips. 

Faythe's outfit- http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=63876547

I walked out and Hunter was already ready he must've used the main bathroom. We went downstairs and he made breakfast for everyone I opened the door and everyone came in and we all sat down and ate. After breakfast I washed the dishes and we all sat down and started watching movies. 

"I'm gonna go get more snacks" I said getting up and leaving. I'm walking to the store that's like 20 minutes away. I plugged in my headphones to my phone and started listening to Julia Sheer- You don't know her like I do cover. I sighed and kept walking I was about 10 minutes till the store I felt like someone was watching me.

Unknown P.O.V-

I watched her as she walked she didn't know I was there. She looked amazing I haven't seen her in years. She looks great with Dark brown hair. Her body was fit and she looked easy to grab. This shoulder be to hard to do. Just wait for her to walk back this way it will be dark by then. I sat back down behind the tree and waited. I check my bag and made sure I had the cloth and chloroform and the ropes. I looked at my car that was parked on the street. The others won't believe it when I bring her back they wanted to doubt me.

Well I'll prove them wrong. I'll bring her back with me they won't know what to do and she won't know what hit her. I smiled happily at my plan this bitch is going to finally get what she deserves. I looked backout and seen her walking with two bags of food. It was dark now and nobody was out. Time to put my plan in motion.

Faythe's P.O.V 

I was walking home form the store now when I heard someone behind me. I went to go turn around when I seen a white cloth go in front of my face I started to try to scream. "Calm down sweetheart everything will be okay soon" The guy said in my ear. I felt black at the edge of my vision as It finally spread across my eyes and I fell into it. 

I woke up a few hour's later and I was in a bed in a dark room. I looked at the clock and seen it was Seven at night. I was knocked out for about an hour. My eyes adjusted and I turned on the lampost next to me. Well at least the bed was comfy the room was red and not to big but not small it was a medium sized room. The blanket was white and fluffy there was two pillows on the bed. There was one dresser and a tv with a dvd player and Direct Tv box on it. 

The door creaked and I looked over my eyes widened at who was at the door. " T-troy?" I studderd staring at him as he walked in he had on a black leather jacket and dark clothes his brown hair was short and his blue eyes stared at me. "How you feeling" He said his voice husky. He smirked at me as I responded. "Why did you bring me here" I said. "Because I missed  my bestfriend" He said sitting next to me. 

Me and Troy used to be bestfriends until I started to hang with Ian and them more. Then we started to bully him. I felt bad but then he moved he used to be a geek. But now I looked at him as he look off his Jacket exposing his muscles in his black beater. I couldn't remove my eyes "Like what you see" He said smirking at me as he got closed to me. I looked at the floor as he sat next to me. Troy was a few years older then us he's 19 and I'm getting ready to turn 17. We used to be so close I'm mad at myself for doing that to him.

 "I'm so sorry that we did that to you" I said looking down at the ground. "It's okay it wasn't your fault it was their's they got you following them and acting like them" He said he spat when he said their. I looked at him my eyes full of regret and his eyes softened. "But it's all okay now" He said putting a arm around my shoulder. I leaned on him "So you knocked me out to bring me here?" I asked He nodded "Sorry I didn't think you would come any other way" He said blushing.

"Aw is someone blushing" I said and he rolled my eyes and started tickling me. I fell back on the bed and he got on top of me and kept ticking me. He stopped and I didn't know why I looked up and seen how close our faces are. He smiled at me and leaned down and hugged me. 

"Woah" We pulled apart and looked at the door. Some tall guy with sandy brown hair was standing there with bluish green eyes. He smiled at us and I blushed and hid my head in Troy's shirt. "Faythe this is my um best friend Alex, Alex this is my old bestfriend Faythe" Troy said grinning at Alex "You sure it's a old best friend or a old fuckfriend?" Alex asked and Troy picked up a book of the night stand next to us and threw it at Alex but he shut the door to fats and it hit the door.

You could hear Alex's laughter all the way down the hall. Troy turned and looked back at me and smiled. "Oh, Here's your phone" He said handing me my phone I texted everyone and told them where I was at. I looked at Troy and he smiled at me. "Want to go meet everyone else?" He asked grabbing my hand and we walked out of the room and down the steps and walked into the living room. 

I looked around and it was Alex and 3 othe boys. One boy had black hair and brown eyes, Another had Brown hair and Hazel eyes,And the last one had Black hair and Blue eyes. "Guy's this is Faythe" Troy said introducing me. "Faythe this is Alex,John,Liam,Dylan" He said pointing to each one. Liam is hot as hell. I smiled at them "Hi" I said nicely. They all smirked at me and looked at Liam. "You really did go get her" John said flipping the channel. "Told you so" Troy said me and Liam were having a staring contest I guess. 

He smirked at me and looked at the Tv. "Oh Faythe" Troy said and I looked at him "Yea" I replied. "You'll be sharing a room with Liam" He said and I looked at Liam and he smirked at me and winked. I rolled my eyes at him and laughed. We all sat down and watched tv and talked. I found out all the guys were 19 to. We watched some more tv and ate Pizza. We went and got me some clothes. I walked into mine and Liam's room while he was showering and changed into Red Hollister yoga shorts. I realized I didn't have a shirt. I kept on my shirt and waited for Liam to come in "Can I borrow a white shirt?" I asked and he nodded he walked to his dresser and pulled out a shirt and threw it at me. 

It was white and said Smirnoff on it. I threw it on and it was a little big. I hopped into the bed and laid down. I looked at the tv when he turned it on and he laid down and looked at me. "You look sexy in my shirt" He said smirking I laughed and looked at him "Thanks" I replied. He smiled at me and went to lean in but I stopped him. "I have a boyfriend" I said and he sighed. "He doesn't have to know" He said and I remember when Hunter said that. I smirked pay back's a bitch. "I guess" I said and he leaned in. My breath hitched as his lips landed on mine. I smiled and kissed back his lips melted into mine he rolled over on top of me and placed one hand next to my hip so he wouldn't put all of his weight on me. 

His other hand was on the back of my neck keeping me locked up on him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and ran them into his hair. He moaned as I pulled his hair. We pulled apart and he fell next to me on the bed. I was catching my breath and I rolled onto my side. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me to his chest. I fell asleep with a smile on my face. 

"Hello Loves. I want to let you know who plays each new person. Troy is played by- Zac Efron. John is played by- Avan Jogia. Liam is played by- Paul Wesley. Dylan is played by- Ian Someholder. 

She's So Gone Sequel to Skinny LoveWhere stories live. Discover now