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"Hello Loves I went on a field trip today at school! Ah can't wait till next year I graduate and go to college!!!"

Faythe's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning and Walked into the bathroom I washed my face and Straightened my hair. I walked back out and pulled on my White over sized sweater with rips on the bottom that said 'Let's Make Out' in all capital letters. I slid on my Short Jean shorts and my White Graffiti Shoes. I added my Necklace that had a Black bottle on it that had a mouth on it and said 'Drink Me' I also added Zebra heart stud earrings. I did my makeup as usual and painted my nails Red. 

Faythe's outfit- http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=63307146

I walked downstair's while Ren got in the shower and there was a knock on the front door. Everyone was gone beside's Skyler,Ren and I. I walked over to the door it was Hunter "Hey" I said and he looked at my sweater. "Okay" He said then grabbed me and kissed me I kissed back and deepened it and lifted me up I smiled into the kiss and he kicked the door shut and sat me down on the counter. I pulled away "I got to make breakfast" I said in between pecks. I jumped down and started on pancakes and he started kissing my neck I moaned and he smiled biting my neck lightly. 

I finished the pancakes and put them on four plates and handed them each to everyone. We sat down and started eating. After we were done I put the dishes in the sink and we grabbed our bags and left for school. We arrived and Ren got out first and hugged Tyler. We walked into school and I walked to my locker and opened it and put all my books in it. I noticed a note in there and I picked it up and grabbed it. "Stay the fuck away from hunter or you'll get it" It read and I rolled my eyes and crumpled it up and threw it away as I walked into 1st period. 

I sat there and started doing my work when this girl walked in and Hunter chocked on his water he was drinking. This girl was breath taking she had long brown hair and blue sparkly eyes. I looked at Hunter "What?" I asked him "Lucy" He said in a whisper she smiled at him and winked at him. I slammed my hand down on his desk and he looked at me I had sadness on my face and I knew it. "Who is she?" I asked "Lucy, My ex" He said as she came and sat next to Jake. I looked at him and rolled my eyes and got back to my work. "Babe" Hunter said knowing I was upset by he ignored me for her. 

By 6th period I completely ignored Hunter the whole day. We sat there I told Liberty and Ren what happened at lunch while we hid from the boys in the hallway. Hunter gave me sad eyes but I ignored him. After school Ren was going with Ty and Skyler was going with Cody. Who did I get stuck with you guess'd it Hunter. I was quiet the whole car ride back to my house. My oarent's wouldn't be home for 2 weeks my Mom went with my Dad to a outside of state job thing. 

We walked in and I slammed the door behind me Hunter turned around and looked at me. "I feel nothing for her she's just a ex!" He exclaimed. "Well I never ignored you when Jake comes in the room did I!" I yelled. I got in his face and I felt a tear go down my face he kissed me and I kissed back he lifted me up and carried me up stair's. I fell back on the bed as he pulled off his clothes and mine he went in me and kissed me hard and I responded quickly. 

He looked at me and I looked at him and we climaxed. He kissed me quickly and pulled out and rolled off of me. "Hungry?" I asked "Yes" He said with a nod and we got dressed I pulled on Pj's and he pulled on his. We went downstair's and I made dinner. We ate and he did the dishes while I went downstair's and did the laundry. My phone went off it was a picture of me just now. I hurried with the laundry and ran upstairs and showed Hunter the text. He checked all around the house and couldn't find anyone. 

We sat on the couch and watched a movie. It was a horror movie a scary part came on and I jumped and hid in Hunter's arm. He laughed and I flipped him off I acted like I was upset and walked up to my room. He ran after me and I laid in bed. He came in and started tickling me. "H-Hunter stop!" I screamed laughing. He stopped and kissed me. I kissed back and he pulled away. "I knew you weren't mad at me!" He exclaimed. I laughed and we rolled over and fell asleep.

She's So Gone Sequel to Skinny LoveWhere stories live. Discover now