Chapter 7

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Author's Note: This chapter is being written in Thomas's Point Of View. This conversation took place when Robert and Thomas were walking back to Thomas's room. 

Anger was bubbling in me. How dare Father hurt Leah? She didn't do anything wrong! A wave of regret washed over me. Why didn't I protect her from Father? Why did I just stand stock-still? Why?!

"So... what happened, Thomas?" Robert's soothing voice jolted me back to the present. I looked at him - we were about the same height, even though Robert was two years older than me. I was sixteen and he was eighteen. "What happened with your friend? Why was she even here?"

"Uh... we had a History project at school, and my teacher, Mr Roberts, paired the both of us together... So, I invited her over to complete the project..." I explained. Robert seemed to be thinking about my response. 

"Isn't she a Slave?" he asked, still deep in thought. 

The dreaded question had come. "Well, yes..." I trailed off. 

"You know Father would never approve of a Slave in our house," Robert pointed out. 

"She's more than a Slave! She's my friend, Robert! Why don't you understand that?" I burst out, releasing all the pent-up anger in me. My eyebrows were furrowed and I glared at Robert. I stopped in my tracks, crossing my arms across my chest. 

"Thomas... I understand. But do you think Father does?" Robert questioned. 

Realisation struck me. Of course he doesn't. He's just a selfish imbecile who wouldn't care less about all those Slaves! HE'S the leader and he doesn't bother to change their status! I shook my head. "Exactly, Thomas. That's why he wouldn't understand. It's better to just forget thi-" 

"FORGET THIS? ROBERT, HE HURT MY FRIEND!" I bellowed, my blood boiling. I clenched my fist and stared daggers at Robert, breathing heavily. 

"You really like that girl, don't you?" Robert asked with a smirk. All the rage in me seemed to have disappeared. I just looked at Robert with a surprised look. How did he know?

"That's what I thought. If you want to protect her, then don't readily present her to Father. Don't talk to her in front of Father. All right?" Robert advised me. Nodding, I went back to my room. Just as I was closing the door, Robert stopped it and looked at me. "I can tell she likes you back."

I blushed like heck. 

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