Chapter 3

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Thomas and I stood outside the classroom. "Thanks for helping me in there," I said shyly, looking at my shoes. 

"It's no big deal, really. You're my friend and I want to help you out in any way I can," he replied back, placing one hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him. Thomas was looking into my eyes, a small smile on his face. "I've only had friends who are Masters, and none of them are like you. You're special to me," he continued. Blushing furiously, I looked at my shoes again. 

"Is that why you're being so nice to me?" I squeaked. 

"Leah, I'd do anything for my friend, especially you!" Thomas exclaimed. He took his hand away and leaned against the wall. "My father says I'm not 'Masters Material' just because I'm nice to everyone. But that's in my nature! I can't help it. I'm not be arrogant and selfish like the other Masters. If you had to be like that just to be of 'Masters Material', I'd rather be a Slave, even if they are thought of lowly!" he ranted. 

My mouth was wide agape. Rage. Offence. Indignance. Resentment. All those feelings seem to have been thrown inside a pot of boiling hot lava and were being stirred. "Thought of lowly?" I choked. My eyes were brimming with tears. "THOUGHT OF LOWLY? AFTER ALL WE DID TO HELP YOUR SOCIETY THRIVE, YOU THINK OF US LOWLY? HOW DARE YOU?" I lashed out. "I thought I was your friend. I never thought you'd hurt me like this, Thomas Brite," I ended. 

Thomas was taken aback. It was clear he did not expect an outburst from me. "No, Leah! I didn't mean that! I...I..." he stuttered. 

"You were just making an excuse," I replied coldly as I began to walk away. 

"Leah! Just stop! I.. I was just angry at my father, all right? I didn't mean to offend you that way. I didn't mean anything I said! I... I don't even want to live in such a world. I want to change it! And... you're the only person who can help me! I know you don't want to live like this!" Thomas said frantically. I stopped short. I know you don't want to live like this, I know you don't want to live like this, I know you don't want to live like this. The words he said rang in my mind. 

Thomas was coming closer to me. Placing his hands on my shoulders, he turned me around so that I would face him. "I know you don't want to live like this. Neither do I. When can the two of us change the world, Leah? When?" he asked me. I stared at him blankly. "Leah, aww.. don't be mad at me..." he pleaded, placing his right hand on my cheek. My heart rate was increasing. Thomas...Thomas touched my cheek! Pushing away the thought, I took his right hand off my cheek. 

"The question isn't when we can, Thomas. It's whether we can." 

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