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D-D-Drama :) prepare to get sad

Nick's pov

-few months later-

All the lads were gathered in a pub, drinking and having fun together. Well, some of us.
I've been asking Jamie to go dance with me for about an hour or so, but he just wanna sit on his ass and talk to Matt. I was getting mad at him for not giving me any attention.
"Babbbbbyyyyyyyy let's danceeee" I said for the thousandth time that night but he just gave me another kiss and said "ask Alex." I groaned and stood up, going to the dance floor alone. If he didn't wanna dance with me I'll dance alone. Alex is too focused on Miles anyways.
Some horrible radio song was playing but I couldn't care less.

I was drunk and wanted to have fun. Hands grabbed my waist, and me being drunk and high thought it was Jamie. His chair was empty.
"Finally coming to join me?" I smiled brightly and turned around.
It wasn't Jamie.

Zach grabbed my ass and his mouth went to my neck. I was trying to push him away but he was strong.
I managed to get out of his grip, running out of the dancing crowd of people. I wanted to go to Jamie but he was no where to be seen.
I stared crying, dizzy, overwhelmed, disgusted.
I quickly looked around and went to the bathroom, into the nearest stall and puked my guts out. I sat down against the wall and cried.
I was terrified.
The door opened and I heard a familiar voice. Jamie.

"Nick? Baby are you in here?" He sounded so worried. I cried out his name and when he saw me he immediately dropped to his knees, pulling me into a hug.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry love. What happened?" He started crying too, feeling guilty for leaving me alone.
Suddenly I got mad, pushing him away and standing up.
"You said you wouldnt let him touch me ever again!! But guess what? HE TOUCHED ME! And you weren't there to stop him!! I'm going home Jamie."

"How could I know where you went? And that you were alone?? Alex went after you like a minute after. And how could I know Zach was here? You're being unfair to me Nick. You can't blame this on me just cause I didn't wanna dance. We'll go home together. And I'll take care of you. Please let me. And I'll call the cops on him. You'll be safe."

"I'm not sure if I'll ever feel safe again Jamie. Not until he's in prison,
or dead."


Jamie's pov

Things hasn't been the same between Nick and I since that night. Every day he becomes more isolated and barely pays me attention. He eats less, drinks less. He wont tell me why.

Zach got taken with the police and Nick has been there multiple times to talk to them about Zach. So I really don't understand why he's ignoring me.


-Two weeks later-

"I'm just going to the grocery shop, if you need anything just call me, or text me. Whatever. I'll be right back." I went to kiss him on the forehead but he of course pulled away. I bit my lip and went out the door, tears almost spilling. I was so confused and hurt over everything. Why didn't I follow him to the dance floor that night? Why did I let him go alone? I lit a cigarette. I stopped smoking a few months ago but its become a habit again.

I walked to the grocery shop, grabbing what I needed. In the queue I texted Nick a simple "I love you",
I got a heart emoji back.

I paid for the things and went back to our apartment. Put the things in the fridge and went to look for Nick.

When I entered the bedroom it was empty, just like the rest of the apartment. Just a note on the bed like in stupid movies.

"Jamie, I'm sorry. I'm not fair to you and you don't deserve me.
I know you want to help me more than anything, and I haven't stopped loving you, but I'm scared.
Every time you touch me, kiss me, it feels like Zach, and it's disgusting.
I just want you, my Jamie.
I need some time alone,
and therapy.
You're free to break up, I'd understand, don't wait up for me. ♡"

I read the note multiple times, not even noticing the tears that had started to run down my face. I tried calling him, but got no answer.


Nick's pov

I bought a small apartment some days ago. Not far away, but enough for Jamie to not know where I am.
The first thing I did when I arrived was turning my phone off, Jamie was calling.
I cried while packing up my clothes, holding up one of Jamie's shirts I accidentally packed with me.
I thought of putting it on, but knew better.
I put it at the bottom of my drawer and laid multple pair of jeans over it.


Jamie's pov

Drinking the pain away is stupid, it doesn't help.
Neither does smoking, starving, or sleeping away the day.
But it's all I can bring myself to do.
I havent heard from Nick in days.


Nick's pov

I sat down on the sofa at the therapist, her name was Alexa. She was super sweet and helpful. She was the only person I could talk to during all this.


Jamie's pov

I've stopped crying, it's useless.
Alex and Matt has tried cheering me up and getting me to go outside,
but what's the use?
I havent heard from Nick in weeks.


Nick's pov

Alexa thought it was a smart idea to take me to a pub, to take the fear away. I ended up having a breakdown when a guy said hi to me.
She tried introducing me to her guy friends, but none of them are Jamie.
I wanted him, but I was too scared to go back by now.


Jamie's pov

It still hurts as much as the first day, I'm just better at handling it. I haven't put away his stuff, his bass is still standing in the living room.
I play on it sometimes, but it's not the same when he isn't here to help me, or laugh at my horrible playing.
I adopted a dog last week, to be less lonely. I only leave the house to take her on walks.
Alex and Matt has stopped trying. Everyone has given up on me,
even myself.

I haven't heard from Nick in months.

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