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Look at the picture for a surprise
ImadeitmyselfandI'mveryproudofit Cookomalley ftw😌✌

Anyways this is gay.

Nick's pov

Jamie and I grew very close after my fight with Zach. We talked about everything with each other, well, except for one thing. I was falling for him and I was NOT going to talk about my feelings. Whenever we hugged or occasionally cuddled, I was blushing and my heart raced. Alex and Matt never said anything about it, but I'm sure they both knew.

It was about 20 minutes before soundcheck. Jamie and I were huddled up together backstage, my head resting on his shoulder and his on my head. I had my eyes closed while he told me some story about his guitar breaking. I was almost asleep when Alex of course had to walk by and ruin the moment. He shouted
"OI LOVEBIRDS" with a large grin on his face.
I glared at him, both scared from the annoying voice waking me up, and embarrassed from him calling us lovebirds. When it couldn't be worse he kept talking.

"STOP SNOGGING JAMIE AND GET UP, I'VE TO TELL YOU SOMETHING" he meant me. I blushed deeply and looked at Jamie, who was blushing as well, and joined alex.

Alex grabbed my arm and pulled me to a corner where no one could hear our conversation.
He smirked.
"Oh come on Nick, we all know you're crushing on Jamie. Honestly, you should go for it, you two are adorable. And I know he likes you back. He hasn't been that close with anyone except his old girlfriend."
I was surprised at that, I thought he was just being friendly.
"Are you sure? He-" Alex interrupted me.
"He constantly talked about you when you dated Zach. We kept telling him you could fix it all on your own but he didn't give up."
"He was right. I couldn't fix it on my own," I looked down on the floor, my heart beating hard in my chest.
"Was this what you wanted to talk about?"

"No uhmmm...it's Miles." I lighted up.
"It was yesterday! Gosh! He took me to dinner and it was so sweet and perfect and he said he loves me Nick! Miles Peter Fucking Kane is in love with me!"
I fangirled for a bit while hugging him tightly. "Seems like the whole band is gay. Let's change the name to 'Homo Monkeys'"
"NooOOoOOOo the fans can't know about this!! Don't say a word!" Alex panicked. He really took me seriously.
"But tlsp is pretty damn gay if you ask me-"

I slowly walked back to Jamie, who was going out on the stage too for soundcheck.
"Jamie! Wait!" He turned around and smiled at me.
"What did you do to Alex? He was MAD."
"I didn't do anything!" I laughed. "Can I talk to you about something after soundcheck?" I looked to the floor, then up at Jamie again. He furrowed his eyebrows, looking concerned.
"Of course, always." I gave him a smile and pulled him onto the stage where both alex and matt were ready.

After soundcheck there was another hour before the concert started. I kind of rushed away from Jamie to panic in the bathroom.
Why did I say I wanted to talk to him? What the fuck was I supposed to say? The whole point was to confess my feelings but I'm not going to before the concert. Fuck. I could hide in the bathroom for an hour. I decided it was a very smart idea.

15 minutes later there was a knock on the door. I held my breath.
"Hey Nick? Are you in there?" It was Jamie. Was I going to let him in?
I sighed and stood up to unlock the door. When I opened he immediately attacked me with a hug.
"Are you okay? We don't have to talk about the thing. I understand. I just don't want you to hide from me, NICK YOU SCARED ME!" I hid my face in his warm neck.

"COOKIE DID YOU FIND NICK- oh fuck am I interrupting something? Keep snogging I'll go-" It was Alex, fuck. I pulled away from Jamie quickly and he looked hurt.
"Hey don't mind him he's just joking." I started pacing the room, I was gonna say it, I was gonna-

"Nicholas," He grabbed my hand (andmadeitveryclear). I stopped and looked at him. He had never called me Nicholas. He stepped closer and my heart was skipping beats. Jamie stroked my hair and whispered a "calm down", then let his hand rest on my cheek, which I'm sure were bright red. He took a final step, our chests were touching. I let out a shaky breath. He looked down to my lips, then up again. I couldn't take it anymore, and pressed my lips to his.

He kissed me back in seconds. Our lips moved in sync. I forgot to breathe as I was so lost in the boy in front of me. He pulled away for a second to look at me, I was breathing hard. He brought us together again and wrapped his arms around my waist, mine were in his hair.

We didn't even notice that Alex had entered, looking at us in shock. He cleared his throat which made us pull apart yet again.
"I didn't expect you two to ACTUALLY snog each other. Uhh- anyways the fans are going crazy, 25 min left."
We looked at each other, both blushing like crazy. Jamie awkwardly left and my heart sunk. He didn't even say anything.

I went back to the boys 5 minutes before we went onto the stage and no one really noticed.
Jamie and I looked at each other many times while playing and I swear I could see him blush. But it still felt weird how he was ignoring me. I was so confused. After the concert I was trapped in the tour bus with them yet again and I was determined to know why he was acting like this.

While everyone was in the lounge and Matt was taking a nap on the floor. I followed the soft strumming that was coming from Jamie's bed.
I sat next to him, crossing my arms. "Tell me." He sighed and put the guitar on the floor.

"Alex has been my friend for so long,
I was scared he would think it's weird or something."
"He's like the gayest person I know Jamie, why would you even deny it."
I was hurt.
"I just don't wanna lose you I guess." He looked at me shyly and my heart melted. I threw myself on him.
"AAAAWWWWWW YOU DUMB BITCH YOU MADE ME SO WORRIED!" Luckily no one probably heard cause Alex had the strokes on full volume.

"I'm sorry for making you worried baby."
"Baby?" I blushed and looked up at him. He pecked my nose and my lips.
"It suits you." He kissed me once again, but more passionate.
"I like you a lot, Jamie."
"I like you a lot too, baby."

End of chapter ahaha :)))

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