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Nothing special happened since the drunk night, no one asked why Nick went home early which he was extremely content with. About a week later, post concert, it was Nick's turn to go to the nearby store to buy very important stuff like cigarettes, bottled water and snacks.

Nick's pov

Halfway on the way there it started raining and I hurried into the little grocery store. I told the rest of the monkeys I didn't wanna go right now 'cause the clouds looked really dark but they forced me to.


I grabbed a basket and walked directly to the snack section, looking at the different crisps. Did they want plain salt crips or flavoured?
I got interrupted by someone clearing their voice right next to me.
"Oh my god I'm sorry! Was I standing in your wa-" I looked up and saw the face of the person, regretting it immediately.

He smirked at me, "hey darling, it's been a while huh?" I shaked my head, not believing it's him. He took a step forward, smiling softly. That smile. I hated it so much, it's exactly the same smile he had when he-

"Hellooo earth to Nick! I'm talking to you."
"G-go away." My voice was shaking. I wanted to run out of the store, but I couldn't get myself to move.
He rolled his eyes at me "I've said nothing! And how many times have I apologised for what happened? Like 60! it's been 2 years Nick! Please, I'm sorry!"
"I t-told you to g-get the f-fuck away from me!" I looked down, biting my lip.
"Don't FUCKING call me that." I turned around, quickly walking away, but got pulled back again.

He stroked my arms from behind, which always calms me down, he knew what he was doing.
"Calm down. I've explained it to you way too many times, it meant nothing, and you know that!" he grabbed my hand softly, turning me around, "please...look at me..." I looked up at him, meeting his brown eyes, making me swallow hard.
"...I miss you." he said, "I'm so sorry Nick." I broke down crying, hugging him tightly.
"Za-ach I- I mi-issed y-you so mu-uch you d-don't u-und-unders-stand I-"
"shhh...darling, I'm here now, calm down" Zach hugged me close to his chest, stroking my back.

"Why are you here anyways?"
"I'm p-playing in a b-band, arctic m-monkeys, I was j-just buying some stuff we n-needed, why a-are you here?"
"I live just down the street...I really gotta go, uhm can I have your number?"
"S-sure" We added each others numbers again, after 2 years.
"I'll see you around darling, yeah? Bye!" He started walking towards the cash register to pay for whatever he was buying, but I stopped him.
"Zach wait!" He turned around with a confused expression, "I believe you...that it was a mistake and all I mean." He smiled widely.
"Thank god!" he turned around and walked away. I just whispered a faint "bye" back.


I threw down some doritos in the basket, not caring what flavour. Then I got some water and cigarettes, paying for it and walking out of the store, it was still raining, much harder than before in fact. I sighed and started walking back to the tour bus. I checked my phone again and noticed Jamie had messaged me 3 times. I opened the messages, immediately feeling guily, I have been gone for over an hour.

Jamiene 6:28pm: I'm craving marshmallows can you buy me some? :)
Jamiene 7:17pm: It's almost been an hour where are you???
Jamiene 7:31pm: call me

You 7:42pm: I'm fine, sorry.

I called him and he picked up almost immediately.
"Hi are you fine? Has something happened? Do you want us to pick you up it's raini-"
"Yes Jamie, I'm fine! Oh my god it's only been an hour it's not like I died! I met a friend and lost track of time! I'm on my way back now."
"S-sorry I just got worried, uhm I'm glad you're okay, bye see you later, get back safe." he hung up and I sighed loudly, why was I so mad all of a sudden? Jamie did nothing to deserve that outburst.

I turned around and walked into the store again, grabbing a bag of marshmallows.


I opened the door to the tour bus and threw the plastic bag on the couch, not giving a shit about the crisps probably getting crushed. I was just about to go to bed or something, but saw the marshmallows on the floor. They had fallen out of the bag. I went and picked them up, debating if I should give them to Jamie or not. I decided to do so.

I got to Jamie's bed, knocking on the wall quietly making him look up from his phone.
"What is it?"
"I got your marshmallows..." he perked up immediately, sitting up straight.
"You got them?! But you didn't see my message until you had started walking back?"
"I might have turned around just to pick some up for you...uhmm- I'm sorry for being a total bitch earlier."
"It's okay Nicky, but I wont pay you back for the marshmallows." I rolled my eyes and shoved one in his mouth, shutting him up. I then threw the whole bag at him.
"You're an idiot, I don't want your money anyways" I giggled. I went back to the lounge room where Matt and Alex were now sitting, watching some football match with cigs in their mouth and doritos all over the couch.

Not wanting to talk to them I just walked outside and lit another cigarette. I took out my phone, calling a number I hadn't called in 2 years. 2 years of promising myself to never go back to him. But I won't, right?

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