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(Alex isn't dating Alexa in this, in fact no one is dating anyone)

Jamie's pov

It had been about 5 hours since we played the fourth show of the tour and all of us were sat at some restaurant we found on the road. Alex was in the middle of some story that I'd stopped listening to long ago and Matt and Nick were listening intensively.

I didn't even notice our food came to us until I felt Nick carefully shaking my arm. I looked at him and smiled and we both started eating.

Halfway through Alex stood up,  muttering "I gotta answer. Jamie, DON'T touch my food" and walked away with his phone to his ear. I shot Matt a look and he smirked back. Alex would never leave his food in front of me like that, which meant it's definitely Miles that called him. I stole some of Alex's food of course and we kept eating, not saying much until he came back.

"So, what was Miles up to?" I said.
"Who's Miles?" Nick asked, suddenly curious.
"Alex's boyfriend." Matt and I said both at the same time, laughing when we saw Alex's face turning pink.
"SHUTTHEFUCKUP ASSHOLES HE'S NOT" I was quite proud of embarrassing him this much.
"Aawww and I was hoping he was your boyfriend, it would of been cute" Nick pouted. Alex looked down at his hands, smiling, "No Nick, I don't even like hi-" Matt interrupted him,
"First of all that's a lie, Miles is all he ever talks about. Second of all they're making an album together with cute lovey-dovey songs. Third of all he's blushingggg-" he poked Alex's cheek, which resulted in Alex quickly standing up, fuming with anger.
"STOP IT WHY AM I FRIENDS WITH YOU TWO I'M LEAVING" He left the table. Jamie and Matt burst out laughing but Nick didn't,
"I'll go look for him." Both Jamie and Matt stopped laughing and looked at each other when Nick disappeared into Alex's direction.

Nick's pov

I looked around the dinner place but Alex was nowhere to be seen, so I went outside where I found him down the street, smoking.

I approached him slowly, lighting a cigarette on the way. He looked up and saw me coming towards him, smiling slightly.
"I was worried you were Jamie or Matt for a second there"
"Nah it's just me, are you okay mate?"
"Better than ever." he gave me a fake smile.
"C'mon Alex...you can talk to me, I won't judge you, did I do anything?" he sighed loudly "No, it's not you....it's them that are wrong"
"With the Miles thing?" I wondered.
"Yeah, I mean....they're not wrong...they both know I like him, it's pretty obvious, at least they say it is....but I just..." He stopped for a few seconds, face turning pink again and therefore looked down, "He's not my you know...boyfriend or anything.."

"Do you want him to be?" I asked very carefully, not to make him mad, you never know with Alex. He blushed again, this time looking up at me.
"I-I really like him, I'm always the happiest when I'm with him...he's like my sunshine," he frowned quickly after saying that "but I bet he doesn't even like me back..."
"Don't say that, I bet he does! You're a good person Alex."
"Thank you Nick, I'm glad you're not crazy about it like they are."
"It's cause I understand how you feel" I looked down, hoping he wouldnt question what I said, but of course he did.
"So you've liked a guy too?"
"Yeah..." I cringed thinking about him, "we dated for 2 months, kissed about 5 times. It just got awkward..." That was a big lie but I didn't feel like talking about him. We both laughed and I added "do you have any pictures of Miles though? I wanna know what he looks like."


We both walked into the restaurant again, we had been gone for about half an hour by then. On our way back we shared some gay stories and stuff like that. It felt nice to have someone to talk about things like that with if I'm being honest.

Before we reached our table Alex turned to me and whispered
"Nick don't tell them anything, please"
"I promise, but you gotta shut up about it too"
"I promise" he gave me a small smile and we joined Matt and Jamie at the table again, who were very pissed at us for taking so long. Very soon we left and went to a pub just over the street instead.


I sat on a bar stool with a beer in my hand. I didn't feel like getting drunk so I took it easy. Alex and Jamie had probably had 4 shots each by then and were doing stupid shit. Matt was talking to some girl that looked like trash in my opinion. (not Breana)

I had to go piss real quick and when I came back Alex was grinding up on Jamie. It looked so wrong. I wanted to push Alex away saying "you like Miles, stop playing with other guys" but that wouldn't make sense because Miles is just his crush, not boyfriend. And Jamie is just his friend, they're just having fun.

Wait, why was I still looking at them?

I left my beer on the table and walked outside, sending Matt a message that I went back to the bus. I needed sleep.

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