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I'm continuing the last chapter but idk if it'll turn into more than this. Maybe??

Jamie's pov

I woke up in a cheap hotel bed. The room was pretty dark still so I figured it must've been early morning. I looked at my phone's clock; 4:07.
I was right, early morning. I knew I wouldn't fall back asleep now so I went to the mini freezer and took out a water bottle. Then I grabbed my cigarettes and lighter, walking out on the balcony.

I smoked calmly, watching the smoke disappear into thin air, about ten minutes later my peaceful moment got ruined by a loud thud from the living room, followed by an "ow, shit".

I put out my cigarette and walked into the living room, where Nick was sitting on the floor with a blanket around him. He gasped when he saw me, which made me laugh.
"What the fuck just happened?" I asked him.
"I tripped over my blanket and fell," he pouted "I didn't wake you up did I?"
"No I woke up a little while ago, couldn't fall back asleep so I went out to smoke. Why are you up yourself?"
Nick looked down. "I uh...I like to watch the sunrise"
I smiled at him "Well why are you still on the floor?, let's go watch it then."
He looked up at me with big eyes "really?" I nodded in response and he quickly got to his feet wrapping the blanket around him.

We sat in silence while I smoked another cigarette and Nick was busy watching the sunrise. The morning sun hit his face, making it turn a pinkish colour. It brought out his eyes even more than usual...
He turned his face towards me with a confused expression. I looked away quickly, realising I'd been staring at him. Great, now he probably thinks I'm into guys.

Everything turned awkward after that. (At least I thought so, I wasn't aware of Nick trying desperately to hide his blush with the fluffy blanket). I was just about to walk inside when Nick let out a gasp.
"Jamie! Look at the cloud! It's so pink!" He pointed at a small pink cloud adorning the sky.
"Wow, it's really pretty" I said smiling.
"Mhm, i told you watching the sunrise is good!"
"Not if I have to wake up at 4am for it, I'm tired." I said. He rolled his eyes at me and opened the water bottle standing at the table.
"You get used to it! And it's really not that bad, you get more energetic during the day, and it's calm and peaceful in the mornings, I like that." He took a sip of the water, looking at the sky.

He was right, I haven't felt this calm in a while.
"You're right, but I would just rather sleep instead. I promise to join you if I wake up early though."
"I'd love that," He smiled at me "No one ever wants to, yanno?"
I smiled back,
"Mhm me neither really but I guess I promised..." He punched my shoulder and turned to walk inside. "You're a dickhead, Jamie."
"I'm just playing Nicky, let's go inside it's cold"
"Nicky..?" He tilted his head to the side, lifting his eyebrow at me. I scratched my head smiling slightly at him,
"Y-yeah...is it okay to call you that?"
"It's a girls name! No! Only if I get to call you Jamiene"
"Sure thing, Nicky. Let's go inside."

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