Mistakes Happen

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Once the bus left with Iris, I walked back to the apartment building and into the elevator. I then walked to the room and into my bedroom to grab my sketch pad. Then, I grabbed a pencil, sat down, and began sketching.

The reason I sketch is because I am very shy and don't have friends. I am not unsocial I just don't know how to to talk to people. Iris is family, so it's easy to talk to her. I sketch when she's not

around because I can express myself by drawing nature like things.

Back to what's happening, I then looked at my wall clock and it was 7:34. 'Wow. I drew for a while.' I thought as I ran to the coat rack. Yes, it was the month of November; I need a jacket. Then, I put on my satchel, grabbed my backpack, my lunch, and locked the front door.

I was waiting by the bus stop when a couple of girls that go to my school came with IM5 t-shirts. "OMG! I am dying right now, knowing that IM5 is coming!!" One shouted. " I know! Who's your fav? Mine's Cole!" "Mine has to be Dana! He is so cute!" "No way! It has to be Will!" I mentally said,'I like them all.' But I couldn't say it. *Vrrrrrrmmmmm* Once I noticed the bus I immediately ran up the steps and to the back of the bus. Once there I grabbed a ponytail from my satchel and pulled up my strawberry blond hair that reached half my back. I also had some bangs that went across my forehead just above my eyebrows.

The bus about 5 minutes later dropped us of at the back. Apparently Cole was outside too because everyone was crowding around a boy wearing a beanie with a koala and everyone was shouting questions at him. I was starting to get close to the door when someone grabbed my shoulders. I reacted to quickly I didn't see who grabbed me until I threw them on the ground. Oh my... It was Cole!

~Cole's POV~

OMG is all I could say. There were girls crowding me as if I were a pair of shoes on sale. Except they were shouting things at me. I had enough, so I ran as fast as I could without seeing where I was going until someone was standing in front of me. I grabbed her shoulders to prevent a crash, but that was a mistake. She grabbed behind my knee cap and my arm and threw me over and onto the ground on my back. She immediately regretted throwing me because she looked as if she were about to cry and shouted, "Uhh, IM SORRY!" And ran inside the school. I tried to get up but my back hurt like heck. "Omg Cole, are you ok?!" The girls came over to help me up and what scared was a girl said just then,"Don't worry Cole! I will beat her up for throwing you!" "NO! DON'T HURT HER!" I wasn't thinking but I had to say something. The reason she threw me was because I frightened her. I had to find her and apologize.

~Nadia's POV~

I was running through the halls and to the girl's room and locked myself in a stall. 'Why had I done that? Everyone's going to hate me knowing that I hurt Cole!' *DING DING DING*'That was the one minute bell! I am going to be late!' I ran out of the bathroom as fast as I could, recklessly. I think a bit too recklessly because I ran into someone.

~Hi again!!!! So I just found out I have a fan!!! To you guys it is nothing to celebrate but this is my first story and my fan just happened to like it the day I wrote!! So I hope I can get more comments and fans! Bye y'all!~

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