A Cold can be Warm

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~Yay!!! 2013 is finally here! Enjoy this chapter as my present to you! Also the dialogue will be a bit different. Someone commented to do it a certain way and I thought 'Well duh! Why didn't I think of that?!' and that was the end of my blonde moment. Any way happy reading!~

-Nadia's POV-

Well, living with the boys has made time fly by. We have also helped them so much, the boys started paying some of my rent. I rejected their offer at first, but they started paying when I wasn't paying attention and I couldn't stop them.

On the day before Christmas Eve, the boys were going to take us to a carnival that was being held in downtown Midlothian. However, something stopped us in our tracks:Dana. He had a very nasty cold and had a very scratchy throat. I told the boys they should take Iris and that I'd stay home with Dana. They agreed and left.

-Current Time-

I was looking through the cabinets and couldn't find any medicine for Dana. I walked over to the guest room and opened the door.

Nadia: Hey Dana, I need to go and and get you some medicine. Do you need anything?

Dana: Not that I can think of.

Nadia: Alright. Then I'll be leaving now.

I shut the door and made my way to Walgreens.

-Dana's POV-

I hate being sick. Why? I did like missing school and work every once in a while, but when you feel like crap, you can't enjoy being at home. However, today may be the best sick day ever; Because I have the girl I like taking care of me. Although I really wanted to go to the carnival with Nadia. I really did.

I also already bought Nadia's Christmas present. It was expensive but worth the money; a emerald necklace. I picked emerald because its her birthstone and is as pretty as she is.

(Cell phone rings)

I quickly grab my phone.

Dana: Hello?

Nadia: Dana? Okay, what kind of medicine would you prefer: a pill or liquid?


Nadia: Alright. Sorry to disturb you, but I didn't want to get the wrong kind.

Dana: It's fine. I was awake anyway.

Nadia:Oh good. Then see you later!

Dana: Bye.

(Hangs up)

(Phone rings again)

Oh come on what now?!

Dana: Hello?

Manager: Hey Dana. Sorry to call you while you're sick.

Dana: No it's fine. Anyway, what's up?

Manager: All the other producers, managers, and I have been talking and we need a bit more publicity.

Dana: Okay...?

Manager: And we think one or two of you guys need a girlfriend.

Dana: Okay. What about Gabe?

Manager: This is the reason we called you, Dana. We think you should date that girl who's house you're staying at.

(My face started to get hot)

Dana: Wait, WHAT?!

Manager: I knew you would react like this. That's why we are going to tell her. We asked if she would come now but she said getting you the medication was more important and she would come as soon as you had your medicine.

Dana:... '\\\'

Manager: Anyway, get better soon. Oh! And if she says yes then she will come back to California on the second. Okay bye!

(He hangs up and I put my phone down)

-Nadia's POV-

I walk through the door to the apartment and towards Dana's bedroom. I open the door and he is bright red.

Nadia: Omigosh! Dana! Did your temperature rise?!

Dana: N-No! I'm... just a bit warm.

Nadia: A-Are you sure? Oh wait!

(Takes the pills out of the Walgreens plastic bag)

Nadia: Here!

She handed me the pills

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