Plane rides are shorter with 2

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-Nadia's POV-

Dana: C'mon guys! Hurry up!

I was standing beside Dana at the airport, watching the boys arguing about who's luggage is heavier.

Iris: Cole! I am the heaviest luggage of all!

If you are wondering why Iris said that, Cole was giving her a piggy back ride.

Cole: That's right! Guys! I win cuz I've got Iris on my back!

Iris: Yay!

Overvoice: Flight 52 leaving for LA, California you may now board the air craft.

Nadia: Everyone! They called our plane, lets go!

Cole: How do you know that?

Nadia:...(pulls out ticket)


We all walked to the plane and took our seats. The plane was really small so there was only a total of 35 rows. The boys said the made this plane private to us only. My seat was 34C. I remember that because...Well, it's my bra size.

I sat down and my seat was on the window.

Dana: Hello!

Nadia: Hi!

Dana: I'm gonna sit here is that fine? (He was sitting right next to me)

Nadia: Sure!

We were sitting there silently for a moment when Dana pulled out his phone.

Dana:Do you mind if I take a picture to post on twitter?

Nadia: Not at all!

He opened the photo app on his phone and held it out.

Dana: Okay lean in.

I did as he said and we both smiled.

However, at the last second, Dana leaned in and kissed my cheek.

Nadia: Heh??!!

Dana: Isn't this cute?

He showed me the picture and I was still smiling because it happened so fast.

Nadia: Why did you do that?

Dana: Cuz if you knew you wouldn't let me do it.

.... True.

The boys were at the front with Iris laughing and joking and having a fun time. I wonder what our ride will be like...since I've never flown in a plane before.

Dana:Hey, Nadia.


Dana:You won't fall asleep will you?

Nadia:No, Why?

Dana:I'll get lonely. (Grabs my hand gently)

Nadia:W-well, this is my first plane ride so I am a bit excited.

Dana:You aren't scared?


Well, so much for getting lonely. About 15 minutes into our 6 hour flight everyone was asleep; including Dana. I am not a person who naps. I only sleep at night, no matter how tired I am.

Dana gripped my hand in his sleep and I giggled.

Dana's POV

You guys might be wondering what happened at Christmas, right?

The guys and I bought Nadia an iPhone 5 and a laptop. She told us that we went a little overboard, but I think that she didn't get enough. So I bought her an emerald necklace in the shape of a heart with a silver chain. She said she never wears jewelry, but she will treasure it and as long as we are together she will always wear it.

We also bought some things for Iris too. In fact we got her an iPad. She took it wherever she went and purchased lots of things on it.

Cole even bought her something special. He bought her a charm bracelet with for some reason a heart on it. We asked him what it meant and he said it was because the other charm bracelets had sports and colleges and that it was the only "normal" one there. Everyone else bought it but I think he is in love with her. Surprising though right?

Also, Nadia also bought some things for us too. She got me a new steelers jersey because me old one was beginning to shrink. That or I was getting bigger, but anyway she also bought be an iTunes gift card and some Nike's. So she was paying attention to what I needed.

-Nadia's POV-

I was quietly starring out the window with my hand intwined with Dana's and my phone vibrated. Luckily Dana was fast asleep on my shoulder and didn't notice.

It was from Cole.

C- I have a quick question for you. You use to stutter a lot when we all first met and recently you haven't. Why is that?

N-Because I got use to you always being around me. So now I'm not as nervous as I was.


I put my phone away when the flight attendant said we would be landing and to put electronics away.

We landed and I tried to wake Dana.

N:Dana. Dana. Dana we landed, c'mon wake up.


I let go of his hand as he began to stretch.

D: that was relaxing!

N: Did it have something to do with you laying on my shoulder?


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