The "Heat" of the Moment

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the heat of the moment • gn!reader
The heat goes out on the Razor Crest and you're the only one with an electric blanket to keep yourself warm.


The Razor Crest has never felt so cold. It's almost as bad as the ice planet you stopped on a month ago. If you left your fingertips out to the open air too long, they'd get red, and you'd have to stuff them back under the blanket for warmth.

Din couldn't take it anymore. He got up many minutes ago, leaving you and the child alone on the cot of your small, ex-storage room that you now share. He needed to inspect the problem with the heating system, and at least try to make some kind of effort not to freeze like he was in carbonite.

Meanwhile, you're snuggled up under the comfort of your electric blanket—the one you bought on the last planet stop. Din wouldn't stop making fun of you for it at the time, insisting that it was a waste of credits.

Yet, here you are, cuddling with the child under the warmth it provides, while Din's off in the cold trying to fix the heat. You only feel partially sympathetic for him; you'd tried to convince him to buy an electric blanket, too.

"You never know what'll happen in space," you'd said, raising an eyebrow at him.

"No," Din had refused, letting out a lame chuckle from under his helmet. "In all my years with the Crest, I've never needed it. I won't need it."

"Whatever, Din," you'd sighed. "All I'm saying is, don't come crying to me."

"I don't cry, especially over blankets," Din had remarked, causing you to laugh as you led the way out of the shop.

Suddenly, you hear something crashing from outside of the room, drawing you out of your memories. Your ears tune in to the sound as you wrinkle your brow in slight concern. "Din?" you call to him. "You alright out there?"

"Couldn't be better," Din's modulated voice answers, his frustration obvious.

You smile a bit in amusement. "That sound couldn't have been you throwing a fit about the heating system... right?"

Silence. You want to laugh, but stop yourself, since the vibrations might awaken the sleeping child on your chest. After a few more minutes, Din's figure finally appears in the doorway. He looks slightly imbalanced with no armor on except his helmet, but you've gotten used to this look. Your eyes betray you as you look at him.

"Did you fix it?"

Din trudges over to the cot, falling beside you in defeat. "No." He pauses, waiting as if he's very hesitant to continue. "It's... blowing out cold air, now."

You cover your mouth to prevent laughing. "No, it's not. No way."

Din looks over at you, his annoyance obvious even through his helmet. "Yes, it is."

You shake your head, clicking your tongue. "What a shame. It's too bad you don't have an electric blanket in a time like this, huh?"

Din's look at you remains stone cold, and you work hard to suppress more laughter. You simply cuddle the child closer, snuggling deep under your blanket. After deciding you've had enough of the antics, you begin to let your drowsiness win, and you close your eyes to try to sleep.

What a mistake that is.

After a few minutes, you feel the blanket slowly sliding off you. Your eyes shoot open immediately, and you look over to see Din's hands sheepishly dragging part of it over him.

"Oh no, you don't," you retort, tugging the blanket back in your direction.

Din sighs your name. "Don't be like this." He tries to pull it back towards him. "I tried my best."

"I told you to get one!" you exclaim, giving the blanket another tug. "You said you wouldn't need it!"

"I didn't know the Crest would let me down so fast," Din defends himself, pulling his side again.

At this point, the child's awakened, and you hear its coos of confusion. "Din, you woke it up," you mutter, pulling the blanket more softly that time.

"It wouldn't have noticed if you just shared," Din insists, continuing the tug-of-war.

You lift the child off your chest, setting it on the floor next to the cot. It's time for action—and you don't want the child to get hurt during it. Din means war.

You make the dramatic move to sit up and flip over, grabbing as much of the blanket as you can in your hands as you do so. You end up straddling Din, leaning your lips to the side of his helmet as you speak again, this time in a whisper. "It's my blanket."

Yet, Din doesn't give in. He simply grabs you by the ankles and flips you again, him ending up in your previous position as he holds most of the blanket in his hands. "And now you'll share it."

You struggle to get out from under him, tugging at the blanket as you do so. "You said you wouldn't come crying to me!"

"Does it sound like I'm crying?" Din's words are finally full of your same amusement. You, sadly, know that Din can easily outfight you. For Maker's sake, he's a trained warrior and bounty hunter—and you're a mere villager he happened to fall for. Still, you try to tug at the blanket, hoping it doesn't rip in your intense effort.

Suddenly, you both freeze, much against your wills. You share a look of confusion, unsure as to why you can't move. Then, you see it approaching out of the corner of your eye: it's the child, its hands outstretched as it comes closer to your tug-of-war scene. It takes one of its hands and reaches towards the blanket, which soon flies out from where you'd both had it and lands just in front of the child. It drops its hands and opens its eyes again, snuggling itself under the warm material as you and Din both begin to move again.

"What the hell...?" you trail off, looking over at the sleeping child. Din's sitting next to you once again, also staring at the child.

"Damn, we got beaten out by a child with mysterious powers," Din comments, causing you to chuckle. You suddenly shiver, your body now exposed to that problem of cold air he'd caused just before. Din tilts his head at you. "Feeling cold, now?"

You narrow your eyes as you look over at him. "Just a tad," you quip.

Din chuckles. "Don't worry," he says, encouraging you to lay down again. He takes you into his arms, providing a feeling of warmth like no other. He even lets you nestle your head into his chest, where you can feel the heat from his breath escape from under his helmet. "I'll keep you warm."

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