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An entire week has past since the fall of Insomnia. The group made it to the Duscae region after destroying the Norduscaean Blockade alongside Cor. After leaving the Leide region, Gladio desperately wanted to rendezvous with his younger sister, Iris, but they were quickly diverted away from Lestallum when Prompto begged Noctis to head to Wiz Chocobo Post to see the chocobos. The prince was eager to see the chocobos, but not as much as his best friend.

A few minutes passed and the Regalia pulled up to Wiz Chocobo Post. Prompto, who was jittery with excitement, scrambled out of the car. "Now this is what I'm talkin' about!"

"The kid's got it bad," Gladio commented as he stepped out of the car.

"There are worse vices, I suppose," Ignis said, shutting the door behind him.

Prompto bounded over to the pens with his camera in hand. While taking pictures of the yellow birds, he realized how frightened they were and had no idea why. He pushed aside the birds' strange behavior and walked over to an older gentleman as Noctis joined him. "'Scuse me. We'd like to ride the chocobos."

"The chocobos, huh?" Wiz hummed, glancing at the blonde. "I hate to break this to y'all, but we can't permit our birds to leave the post. Not while Deadeye's still about. He's an uncommonly ferocious behemoth that's taken to prowlin' these parts of late. His scent makes our birds nervous, an' to prevent accidents an' tragedies, we have no choice but to suspend rentals. But hold on, now-ain't you lads the hunters that've been makin' a mark? You reckon you could handle the likes of Deadeye? If you could bring the beast down, there'd be a reward in it for ya. But knowin' the danger, I wouldn't blame ya for sayin' no."

Noctis glances at the hunting poster and noticed the large sum of gil being offered to whoever slew the behemoth. He turned back to Wiz and crossed his arms with a confident smirk. "We'll do it."

Prompto blinked rapidly in shock. "We will?!"

"Yeah," Noctis replied. "We need the money, anyway."

The blonde jabbed his finger at the image of Deadeye. "That thing is huge! Do you really think we can kill it?"

"Only one way to find out."

Wiz nodded, respecting their decision. "I appreciate it, boys. Be careful out there. Deadeye ain't no joke."

Noctis and Prompto reconvened with Gladio and Ignis. The prince told them how he accepted the hunt for the behemoth and they didn't waste any time. They departed from the chocobo outpost on foot and headed to the Nebulawood in search of Deadeye.

As they crept closer to their destination, the sound of trees snapping in half and slamming into the ground caught their attention. The ground shook with each tree that was destroyed, but everything soon became quiet. A few seconds ticked by and the group was startled by a vicious growl coming from the Nebulawood. The group froze at the threatening sound.

"The hell?" Gladio murmured, brows furrowed together in confusion. Looking up, they witnessed more trees snap and collapse against the ground.

"Something's amiss," Ignis stated calmly.

The shield gestures for them to keep moving forward. "C'mon."

The royal retinue cautiously enters the Nebulawood, their eyes scanning over the numerous of trees lying on the ground. They step over the snapped trees and head deeper into the den in search of the behemoth. Eventually, they enter a clearing where they're met by a pack of voretooth fleeing from the other direction. Prompto gasped in shock at the sight. "Whoa! Look at 'em go!"

Continuing to make their way deeper into the Nebulawood, the area becomes blanketed with mist. They soon make their way to an abandoned stone structure with an opening large enough for them to pass through if they crouched. Noctis begins to lead the way in when they heard another menacing growl.

Mythological Mayhem (Book One: Gold) [Prompto x Reader]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя