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Three days passed after Prompto and (Y/n) were brought to Zegnautus Keep. The boy, at the command of Callyx, was now bound to a mechanical device. His body was littered with cuts and bruises, but his entire being ached. He hung his head, eyes sealed shut as another wave of pain washed over his body. The guardian enjoyed torturing the boy, a wicked smile etched across his face as he delivered hit after hit. Blood seeped from the larger gashes scattered across his body, but Callyx made doubly sure the wounds he inflicted wouldn't be any cause for concern.

The moment the cell door opened was when Prompto raised his head. The devil of a spirit walked into the cell with two soldiers by his side. They freed him from the device and grabbed both his arms, pinning them behind his back and cuffing them together. Callyx ordered them to drag him along and follow.

Prompto lifted his head as he was dragged behind Callyx by the two soldiers. He examined his surroundings, trying his best to memorize where they were going. They wandered down many hallways and corridors until coming to a stop in an observation room. Control panels with numerous of monitors were located underneath a large window that was darkened out.

One soldier unlocked his cuffs and freed him before tossing him to the floor. Prompto grunted as he landed on his hands and knees. Through the pain that engulfed his body, he managed to get to his feet. He rubbed his blistered, raw wrists while glaring over at Callyx. He watched as the guardian strolled over to one of the control panels and pressed a few buttons. The glass of the window was no longer blacked out and visibility in the room behind it was poor.

Prompto's eyes were drawn to the opposite room when the lights flickered on. What he saw caused his eyes to widen in horror and the fury he felt a few days ago to return tenfold.

Inside the rectangular room on the other side of the glass was (Y/n). Her body was pinned to the metal wall, black spikes pierced through her arms and legs. It was as if she was a butterfly pinned inside a shadow box. Blood trickled from around the spikes, trailing down her body and forming a small puddle of crimson liquid underneath her. Her head was tucked against her chest, face hidden from everyone.

Prompto dashed toward the window and slammed his fists repeatedly against the glass, crying her name out in a desperate attempt to get her attention. Callyx simply watched in amusement before chuckling. "You honesty think she can hear you? That glass is 24 millimeters thick."

Prompto tore his gaze away from (Y/n), glaring at Callyx. Before he could say anything, the guardian already had an explanation. "She's not dead, if you're wondering. Then again, you probably already know that from the gemstone. This wouldn't be any fun if she was dead." He glanced toward one of the soldiers. "You know what to do."

The soldier left the room. Prompto watched him leave before looking back at Callyx. "Why did you bring me here?"

He huffed out a groan. "Have you already forgotten? Well, I'm not surprised if I'm being honest. You're getting a front row seat to feeding time."

The boy's brows furrowed together. "Feeding time...?"

The wicked grin that haunted Prompto for the past three days spread across the spirit's face. "It's been a while since the devourer had a tasty snack. (Y/n) is next on the menu and we wouldn't want you to miss it."

Just then, the sound of a bloodcurdling scream echoed throughout the Keep. Prompto looked around in confusion while Callyx groaned in annoyance. "Those imbeciles really don't know how to handle my creation, do they...?"

Followed by the scream, the sound of a large explosion resonated throughout the area. The room shook slightly, papers falling off a table in the corner of the room. Now both men were bewildered. Callyx clicked his tongue, using the control panel to access the cameras scattered throughout Zegnautus Keep. On one of the camera feeds, he spotted a lone figure wandering the corridors of the lower level. "Dammit all..." Lifting his head, he addressed the soldiers stationed a few feet away from the door. "There's been a minor setback. Take him back to his cell."

Mythological Mayhem (Book One: Gold) [Prompto x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now