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Aboard the train, the group was gathered in the small cabin. (Y/n) stood in the middle of the small room while the boys sat on the bunk beds. Prompto had been fighting the urge to hug and kiss her ever since they left Cartanica Station. Pushing his feelings aside, he questioned her. "What happened to you, (Y/n)?"

She leaned against the door with a sigh. "After summoning Brahma, he became overwhelmed by imperial airships and that damned devourer. He was weakened by the empire, making it easier for the daemon to attack. He fell into the ocean because of that thing and with his powers waning, he was unable to protect me. Leviathan showed up and helped Brahma, but it was too late for me. I was drowning and thought I would've died. Before I could drown, Gentiana saved me. She's also the reason how I got to Cartanica."

"B-But you're okay, right?" Prompto asked.

She smiled at him. "I'm fine, Prom."

"We're glad you're safe, (Y/n)," Noctis spoke up.

"I'm glad to be back with you all."

"Now that we got all that covered, we've got another question for you," Gladio stated.

The (h/c)-haired girl glanced in the shield's direction. "And what's that?"

"Who's the man who killed you?"

Her eyes widen in horror. "What...?"

"While in the quarry, the gemstone displayed a memory echo," Ignis clarified.

"You were killed by some guy, but that's not possible," Noctis scoffed. "If you were dead, you wouldn't be here right now."

"Of course I'm not dead," she smirked, deciding to lie through her teeth. "Maybe you all saw something that could've possibly happened. Those gemstones can act weird sometimes." Her confidence was enough to hide the panic that was rising in her chest. All the boys gobbled up her lie without even questioning it.

"Well, I don't care either way," Noctis confessed, standing up. "I'm heading to the dining car. I could use a drink."

"As could I," Ignis said.

"A drink does sound nice right about now," Gladio stated.

(Y/n) moved away from the door to allow the three boys to leave. As Gladio was going to close the door behind him, he peered into the cabin and glanced between the two. "Have fun, lovebirds." With a grin, he closed the door.

Prompto gaped in shock while (Y/n) giggled. She strolled over to her boyfriend and placed her hands on his shoulders. Without much effort, she pushed him down onto the bed. It was small, but there was enough room for both of them. Once he was on his back, she ducked her head to avoid hitting it on the bed above. Straddling his waist, she trailed her fingers down his abdomen. She stopped just above the waistline of his pants. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

Prompto's hands rested on her hips. He squeezes them slightly. His bottom lip wobbled slightly, tears welling up in his eyes. "I-I thought..."

She knew what he wanted to say. "I know, Prom. I'm sorry it took me so long to catch up with you guys."

His hands trailed up her sides before sliding behind her back. He pulled her down and hugged her tightly. "I'm just glad you're okay." One hand traces her spine while the other was bunched up in her (h/c) locks. She nuzzled her nose against his chest, inhaling his scent. She exhaled heavily, closing her eyes and enjoying his embrace. She'd miss his warmth and touch over the many weeks she'd been away from him. Now, they were reunited.

Prompto adjusted their position on the small bed so they were now laying on it longways. They both now laid on their sides, arms wrapped around each other. He placed countless of kisses against the top of her head and face, earning giggles from (Y/n). Hearing her laughter made a joyous smile manifest on the boy's face. After laying another kiss on her forehead, he nuzzled his face into her (h/c) hair with a content sigh. "Six, I've missed you..."

Mythological Mayhem (Book One: Gold) [Prompto x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now