• XXIX •

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After leaving the room and making their way back toward the central area of this level of Zegnautus Keep, a strange sound could be heard. Ignis stopped the group when he recognized the sound. Looking in Noctis' general direction, he asked, "Noct, do you hear that?"

The raven-haired boy glanced at his advisor in bewilderment. "Hear what?"

"I've heard this sound before-on the train, just before your weapons failed you. It's nearby, and it may hold the key to restoring your power."

As the four of them make their way across the catwalk leading to the central area of this level of Zegnautus Keep, the strategist stopped them again. "It's here."

Noctis stops at the large closed metal doors in the center of the enormous room. "This thing?" He places his hand against the doors and tries to open them. When they don't budge, he huffed out a groan. "Door's locked."

"It's coming from within. Is there no way through?"

Prompto swallowed hard before speaking up when he saw a familiar control panel by the door. "There's a way." The others look at him as he hesitantly steps up to the door's scanner and raises the back of his right wrist to it. He pulls the gemstone bracelet down a little ways so the scanner could read the barcode on his wrist. Successfully scanning it, the doors slide open. Prompto resumes speaking, staring off into the room, unable to make eye contact with the others. "So, MTs... They've got those codeprints...just like I do."

Noctis wasn't fazed at the new discovery. "Do they? Never looked."

"Yeah... So, as it turns out...I'm one of them. Not exactly something I could tell people growing up in Lucis. (Y/n) was the only one who knew the truth. At the time, she didn't tell me and I don't blame her. She had her own secret to hide, too." Tears stung his eyes and threatened to fall, but he refused to let a single one slide down his cheeks. "Still... You guys and (Y/n) are like...the only friends I've ever known. I just hope that things can stay the way they were."

"Whatever. Who cares where you were born?" Noctis remarked.

"I don't see you turning against us. Not now, or ever," Ignis added.

Prompto was able to lift his head and look at his companions. "Thanks, guys. Still...I can't change where I came from. What I am."

"Since when does where you come from matter to you? You never once treated me as a prince," the raven-haired boy stated. He then playfully punches Prompto's shoulder.

"He's got you there," Gladio said.

"Never so much as a "Highness"," the tactician added.

"And by the sounds of it, (Y/n) doesn't care either," Noctis spoke up again. "We're done here. C'mon, crown citizen."

Gladio steps over to Ignis to help guide him into the room. The shield gives Prompto's shoulder a friendly smack as they walk past. "You're one of us, right?"

Ignis stops and turns back towards the marksman, looking over his shoulder. "Unless you'd rather not be."

Prompto smiles with a nod. He glanced down at the gemstone bracelet, a single tear of joy slipping from his eye. "You were right, (Y/n)..." He covered it with his hand. Following his friends into the room, his heart was somewhat at ease.

Inside the room, they find the emperor's abandoned clothing laying upon the throne with no sign of the man. What was also located in the room was a large bank of computers, which are the cause of Noctis' lost powers. Without hesitating, the raven-haired boy rams his father's sword through the machines.

Prompto looked around in puzzlement. "So...did it work?"

"With the device down and out, Noct's power should be up and running," Ignis stated.

Mythological Mayhem (Book One: Gold) [Prompto x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now