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Several days later, (Y/n) regained consciousness. Her eyes fluttered open with a groan. She pushed herself up on the bed she was laying on and looked around. She was inside a caravan, alone. Pushing herself off the bed, she sluggishly dragged her body over to the window. Peering through the blinds, she saw the familiar sign that said "Wiz Chocobo Post" in giant yellow letters.

Stepping away from the blinds with a sigh, (Y/n) pressed a hand against her chest. She remembered the intense burning sensation coursing through her body after speaking with Brahma with the Archaean's assistance. She could feel a foreign presence in her body that felt as if it were slumbering deep inside her. Knowing it was Brahma's blessing, she inhaled deeply before exhaling. She would have to tell the boys, especially Noctis since he would need the creator god's power to become the True King. She just wondered how Prompto would react at the news. Although she was still herself, she now was the conduit for Brahma and would be used by the god whether she liked it or not.

Desperate for answers, (Y/n) left the caravan. She walked past the chocobo pens and towards the rear of the outpost. She stood near the clifftop, gazing up at the sky. Her eyes landed on the Celestial Crescent, which was now glowing brighter than ever. "Brahma?"

What do you desire, Child of Pneuma?

She was taken aback at how clear she could hear his voice. She shook her head and questioned the Astral. "Out of all the other spirits on Eos, why me?"

You are pure of heart and hold no ill-will toward others. Only a pure spirit is worthy of my power.

"Now that I'm the conduit, will I...will I...?" She couldn't even bring herself to ask the question. Tears trailed down her cheeks at the thought of having to leave Prompto and never being able to live happily with him.

Once the True King accomplishes his goal, you will be relinquished of my power and shall be free to live your life as you see fit. Do not fret, Child of Pneuma, for I will only take my true form once you are ready. I shall not manipulate your body nor soul. Continue the path you tread. When you are ready to summon me, use this blade.

(Y/n) blinked in shock, causing a few more tears to fall, as a blade appeared in front of her.

She admired the sword's beauty as it floated in the air

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She admired the sword's beauty as it floated in the air. Reaching out, she grabbed the cosmic weapon and examined it closer. She gripped it tightly, casting her gaze back up at the sky. "Thank you, Brahma."

Tread lightly for there lies a malevolent force that yearns for your destruction.

"I will." (Y/n) dispelled the blade and looked away from the sky. She stared down at the ground located at the base of the cliff. Brahma's words brought her comfort, knowing she wouldn't have to separate from Prompto. She placed a hand over her racing heart at just thinking about him. She was torn from her happy thoughts of the blonde when she felt something wet hit her forehead. Looking up, she saw the sky was now covered in gray clouds. It was beginning to rain.

Mythological Mayhem (Book One: Gold) [Prompto x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now